just curious on battery life, should you run battery down more often and will leaving plugged in all the time hurt battery life. running a new hp dv9000 laptop
Even plugged in it will allow a slight discharge, and "tricke" charge.
Some people remove the battery on ac to perserve it, and make it last longer. I leave mine always in. If you constantly burn up cycles it will be about at approx a 50% charge capacity after a year.
cycling every so often will allow it to calibrate- but running it down all the time will burn up cycles. A battery's life is determined by cycles (i.e., 365-500 cycles). Every discharge and recharge is one cycle.
"You'll get a lot of nonsense whenever you ask about laptop batteries as a lot of people have heard how to treat a Nickel chemistry battery and will gladly tell you what they know despite the fact that you have a Lithium chemistry battery in your laptop which needs to be treated differently (they just don't seem to realise that different types of battery need to be treated differently, though somehow I doubt they make a habit of discharging their car battery).
Yes, it is fine to leave it to trickle charge, in fact you should leave it trickle charging to ensure that you have full battery life when you need it (the battery will discharge by itself if it isn't left to charge).
You can't damage the battery by just leaving it on trickle charge (Li-Ion can not be overcharged), you also won't damage it by not discharging it every time you use it (since Li-Ion does not suffer from memory effect) although discharging too often can damage it (if you need the full runtime don't be afraid to run it flat, and run it flat every few months to recalibrate the battery meter, but don't run it flat if you can avoid it).
The battery will of course age over time and lose its capacity to hold charge, but there's nothing you do about that (aside from putting the battery in the fridge at 40% charge, but that's only workable if you don't need to use the battery for an extended period of time)." http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080920003408AAv7Iyi