Attansic L1PC!-E GigaBit Controler Update from Vista Update not connecting after i close any of my web broswer applications,
The Vista update site the update reset's my SpeedTouch 585 Wireless Router I contacted Bell Sympatico they told me to Uninstall the Updated Version and go with the One that came with you're Mother Board Instillation cause everytime they tryed to install it it works 1 maybe twice then Blocks all Accsess to the Internet I can accsess my modem through my defauly 192.
but my Inter net Provider kept resetting my password so I could accsess my modem when I'm showing a SOLID Green DSL Loght and the Internet Light go from Green to RED uselly meens an Authentification Problem and sure it enough It was, everything time I went back to the Instilation that Came With My Asus Mother Board cause there was nothing wrong with it worked like a charm my advise don't fix whats not broke contacted Attlansic And Infourmed them of this problem it's not up to Microsoft to remove the Courrupted Missing files in there update
now why is Microsoft getting sloppyer and sloppyer with there update are they delerbertly looking to Fukk peoples computers up if it's not video card update sound card up date Networks addators bios settings telling there incorrect and not recomended for our OS Syetem
Now I have pulled a team together we bought 20 computers with the updated hardware and software from the manifactors and will Only install from the manifactors Untill microsoft hires the right Employees that know what there doing when they get an update from The Manifacture trying it on there computers before they release let then have the screw ups they have given us I'm Only speaking from expereience like the rest of had had some of thease issues with this Os Version I went back to the Manifactors and Put back all the updated setting right from the manifactiure them self and now my computer works like it should .
So Lession learned shut automatic updates off check with the manifacture first to see if there's an update back up youre Old setting's so yea can put back the software the work with it good advice it works i know where all trying to improve our computers to make the run right faster better hehehe .
The Vista update site the update reset's my SpeedTouch 585 Wireless Router I contacted Bell Sympatico they told me to Uninstall the Updated Version and go with the One that came with you're Mother Board Instillation cause everytime they tryed to install it it works 1 maybe twice then Blocks all Accsess to the Internet I can accsess my modem through my defauly 192.
but my Inter net Provider kept resetting my password so I could accsess my modem when I'm showing a SOLID Green DSL Loght and the Internet Light go from Green to RED uselly meens an Authentification Problem and sure it enough It was, everything time I went back to the Instilation that Came With My Asus Mother Board cause there was nothing wrong with it worked like a charm my advise don't fix whats not broke contacted Attlansic And Infourmed them of this problem it's not up to Microsoft to remove the Courrupted Missing files in there update
now why is Microsoft getting sloppyer and sloppyer with there update are they delerbertly looking to Fukk peoples computers up if it's not video card update sound card up date Networks addators bios settings telling there incorrect and not recomended for our OS Syetem
Now I have pulled a team together we bought 20 computers with the updated hardware and software from the manifactors and will Only install from the manifactors Untill microsoft hires the right Employees that know what there doing when they get an update from The Manifacture trying it on there computers before they release let then have the screw ups they have given us I'm Only speaking from expereience like the rest of had had some of thease issues with this Os Version I went back to the Manifactors and Put back all the updated setting right from the manifactiure them self and now my computer works like it should .
So Lession learned shut automatic updates off check with the manifacture first to see if there's an update back up youre Old setting's so yea can put back the software the work with it good advice it works i know where all trying to improve our computers to make the run right faster better hehehe .