vista ultimate 64, amd 64 dual core, Asus m2n32-sli motherboard. Problems started when I tried to set up the parental controls. From this site I found it probably wasnt working as a result of the ccleaner so I did a repair install. now the problem is AsIo.sys!!(2) when starting up. I have found that this has to do with the asus board so I re-installed all of the asus drivers and utilities which did not stop this error. also the asus probe is now running 8 to 10 degrees F hotter on the cpu and mother board. any help would be appreciated, also Im fairly new at this kind of stuff so go slowly
access violation at address 0053571B in module probe2.exe read of address 00000008
I think this is the full error code if that helps anyone. two other problems also happening some screens apear almost blury like windows mail and the actual asus probe which runs despite the errors.
access violation at address 0053571B in module probe2.exe read of address 00000008
I think this is the full error code if that helps anyone. two other problems also happening some screens apear almost blury like windows mail and the actual asus probe which runs despite the errors.