Solved Application has failed to start because VCRUNTIME140.dll was not found.



I started having a problem while trying to start a program that's been working ok since first installed several years ago. The current version been running well for months.

The problem seems to be the program application all of sudden isn't able to find vcruntime140.dll.

I'm not certain what happened i.e. if another program recently installed changed something or the problem lies elsewhere. I have uninstalled the most recently installed application. Whether it's install was or is related to the problem I'm uncertain.

The error message while trying to execute the program application.

Application has failed to start because VCRUNTIME140.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.

I've attempted re-installation several times plus completely uninstalling and removing all files then performing a fresh install.

Results in the same error.

I've also tried updating and replacing VCRUNTIME140.dll of which there are several versions with different dates and file sizes. when vcruntime140.dll i is installed there are two paths for 32 and 64 bit versions. Same dll file only under different paths as I'm running Windows Vista x64 so there's two paths for 32 and 64 bit applications.


I've also tried running Regsvr32

Regsvr32 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\vcruntime140.dll
Regsvr32 C:\Windows\System32\vcruntime140.dll

results with error message: Dll file was loaded but the entry-point dllregisterserver was not found

I then attempted to modify the security settings of Regsvr32.exe from these instructions, produces same error while trying to register or unregister vcruntime140.dll
SOLUTION OF Regsvr32: DllRegisterServer entry point was not found, Go to systemdrive(generally c:)\system32 and search file "Regsvr32.exe" Right click and click in properties and go to security tab and click in advanced button. Click in owner tab and click edit and select administrators and click ok

I set the security with full privileges for System, Current Admin user, Administrators, Users & Trustedinstaller

With Administrators (Current Admin User) as owner.

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The problem isn't with your application but a component that your program may require. See this thread. VCRuntime140.dll - Microsoft Community

Please note that when I googled that file I came across number download sites specific for that file. Do not try to download that file from those sites but instead follow the link in the thread I posted to install the package that installs it. The other downloads are likely hacked versions and downloading them more than likely won't even not even fix your problem.

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    Alienware 25 AW2521HF
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    Windows 2012 R2 Data center/Linux Mint
    Dell Poweredge T140
    i3 9100 3.6GHz, 8M cache, 4C/4T
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The problem isn't with your application but a component that your program may require. See this thread. VCRuntime140.dll - Microsoft Community

Please note that when I googled that file I came across number download sites specific for that file. Do not try to download that file from those sites but instead follow the link in the thread I posted to install the package that installs it. The other downloads are likely hacked versions and downloading them more than likely won't even not even fix your problem.

Thank you for looking into it for me. However I had already tried the same download link to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Update 3 RC of which VCRuntime140.dll is a part of.

VCRuntime140.dll is also available as a single file download in different versions from sites such as vcruntime140.dll free download |

However uncertain if Download missing DLL files for free | has scanned their files for being original unhacked files. I would guess they are but there are no mention from their site nor checksum files such as md5, sha1, etc.

Anyway I have already installed Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable and double checked that VCRuntime140.dll is installed into the appropriate paths for both 32 and 64 bit programs.

I think perhaps the problem is related to the entry-point dllregisterserver . When running "Regsvr32.exe VCRuntime140.dll" I receive an error "Dll file was loaded but the entry-point dllregisterserver was not found"

I verified Regsvr32.exe security settings are ok by following these instructions:
SOLUTION OF Regsvr32: DllRegisterServer entry point was not found, Go to systemdrive(generally c:)\system32 and search file "Regsvr32.exe" Right click and click in properties and go to security tab and click in advanced button. Click in owner tab and click edit and select administrators and click ok

So I suspect something else is causing both Regsvr32.exe and my application to not be able to load and read VCRuntime140.dll correctly and find the DllRegisterServer entry point.
What is DllRegisterServer?

When a DLL is registered, the DllRegisterServer method entry point in your DLL is invoked. Similarly, DllUnregisterServer is invoked when a DLL is unregistered. As described in this MSDN article: Instructs an in-process server to create its registry entries for all classes supported in this server module.

It appears DLLRegisterServer enty point has something to do with creating registry entries for all classes supported in VCRuntime140.dll?

In other words for some reason VCRuntime140.dll isn't registered, i.e. has registry entries in Windows registry or something is blocking the reading of existing registry entries.

I wasn't able to find any reference to VCRuntime140.dll within Windows Registry, using the "Find" function of regedit.exe

Vcruntime140_app.dll file errors can be related to issues in the Windows registry. Broken DLL file references can prevent a DLL file from registering properly, producing a vcruntime140_app.dll error. These broken registry keys can be as a result of a missing DLL file, moved DLL file, or an leftover DLL file reference in your Windows registry from an unsuccessful software installation or uninstallation.

I think what may have happened is when I installed this program global-mapper-19-x64-b122 from Download Global Mapper I think perhaps it moved, deleted and/or changed registry entries for, or related to vcruntime140_app.dll. As my memory recalls that the problem with vcruntime140_app.dll started after this program was installed. Uninstalling global-mapper-19-x64-b122 had no effect and I'm not certain if Global Mapper even uses vcruntime140_app.dll.

What I could do is delete or rename vcruntime140_app.dll and re-install global-mapper-19-x64-b122 to see if a new vcruntime140_app.dll is installed.

However at this point I'm uncertain what the problem is with vcruntime140_app.dll .

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Performing my 15th System Restore from 10/05 fixed the problem with running the application.

However issuing the command Regsvr32 C:\Windows\System32\vcruntime140.dll produces a new error

"Module C:\Windows\System32\vcruntime140.dll Failed to load"

Apparently the installation of global-mapper-19-x64-b122 effects something in the registry when running this Open Source application I'm not certain about what effect it has on Regsvr32.exe.
Last edited:

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VCRuntime140.dll is also available as a single file download in different versions from sites such as vcruntime140.dll free download |

However uncertain if Download missing DLL files for free | has scanned their files for being original unhacked files. I would guess they are but there are no mention from their site nor checksum files such as md5, sha1, etc.

That is exactly why I suggested keeping away from such sites. The files are likely hacked and putting them on your system might not even fix the problem especially if it isn't the original file or if the issue is with another file. It is best to get programs from the source which in this case would be Microsoft. On to your problem. Did you completely remove and reinstall Visual studio runtime as suggested in the thread or just run the download?

It is quite possible that the program is the culprit. Have you checked the system requirements? Perhaps you are missing something or have the wrong version of VS installed. Is there tech support for the program or a support forum? Have you even googled it to see if this is a known issue with the program? Could there be a newer/older version that is functional? Is it even compatible with Vista 64-bit? Not all issues are registry issues. There might be an incompatibility issue, a missing component, a problem with other dll files, or if nothing else, the program may just be extremely buggy and unreliable. Programs aren't perfect.

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That is exactly why I suggested keeping away from such sites. The files are likely hacked and putting them on your system might not even fix the problem especially if it isn't the original file or if the issue is with another file. It is best to get programs from the source which in this case would be Microsoft. On to your problem. Did you completely remove and reinstall Visual studio runtime as suggested in the thread or just run the download?

It is quite possible that the program is the culprit. Have you checked the system requirements? Perhaps you are missing something or have the wrong version of VS installed. Is there tech support for the program or a support forum? Have you even googled it to see if this is a known issue with the program? Could there be a newer/older version that is functional? Is it even compatible with Vista 64-bit? Not all issues are registry issues. There might be an incompatibility issue, a missing component, a problem with other dll files, or if nothing else, the program may just be extremely buggy and unreliable. Programs aren't perfect.

No I don't think it's the program that's the culprit as it's been working ok for years and is currently working ok.

I previously downloaded from the same link that you provided. No none of the dll files installed were corrupted. Came from

I'm fairly certain the culprit is with the global-mapper-19-x64-b122.exe (Global Mapper). Messed up my registry so the application I've been using for years could not find vcruntime140.dll.

After completely uninstalling Global Mapper I performed a system restore dated a couple days previous to installing Global Mapper. After a system restore everything works as it should except for Regsvr32 produces an error. I'll need to figure out why regsvr32.exe isn't working.

The system restore from 10/05/17 put Windows Vista os back the way it was before Global Mapper was installed. So it appears the problem is with Global Mapper which is suppose to work with Windows Vista through Windows 10. However I think they must have goofed up somewhere as after installing Global Mapper is when the problems first began.

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If you paid for that I suggest that you contact their technical support.

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    Windows 8.1 Industry Pro x64
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    Intel i7 860 Quad core 2.8 ghz
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    ATI Radeon HD 5770 1 gb ram
    Monitor(s) Displays
    Alienware 25 AW2521HF
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    1920x1080 &1680x1050
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    1 TB x2
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  • Operating System
    Windows 2012 R2 Data center/Linux Mint
    Dell Poweredge T140
    i3 9100 3.6GHz, 8M cache, 4C/4T
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If you paid for that I suggest that you contact their technical support.

No the Global Mapper application was an evaluation copy. After executing I remember choosing to continue without registrering and it ran ok, however the instructions from the download site stated to e-mail them for a temporary registration code good for 14 days which I never did as the app ran without a registration code.

I've e-mailed them about the problem, so will see what they have to say. Even if the app requires a registration code to run correctly I don't really want to install any program that effects my OS in this manner, it's not acceptable. I think part of the problem is I find many software developers have problems trying to support and develop their application to run on Vista as the Vista OS came out after XP and before Windows 7. Even though Vista has more features it was slower than XP which people didn't like, many users stayed with XP and wouldn't upgrade until Windows 7.

Some software developers have completely left Vista out of their software development and concentrated on Windows 7 and higher, others may have develop a separate program for Vista only or XP and Vista. Not as many have application development that's run on Vista and higher as there are programming differences between Vista and Windows 7/8/10 in part I believe it has to do with Windows "Desktop Windows Manager" and also the core engines. The core engine for Windows 8 & 10 are the same (or nearly the same) mostly only the DWM has differences.

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Yes that's what I am thinking.

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    Windows 8.1 Industry Pro x64
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    Intel i7 860 Quad core 2.8 ghz
    8 gb
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    ATI Radeon HD 5770 1 gb ram
    Monitor(s) Displays
    Alienware 25 AW2521HF
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    1920x1080 &1680x1050
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  • Operating System
    Windows 2012 R2 Data center/Linux Mint
    Dell Poweredge T140
    i3 9100 3.6GHz, 8M cache, 4C/4T
    8GB 2666MT/s DDR4 ECC UDIMM
    Screen Resolution
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Yes that's what I am thinking.

Received an update, no more vruntime140.dll problems. Tech support stated their developers were having issues and produced an updated version.

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    Intel Core 2 CPU 2.67 Ghz
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    1920 x 1080p
Great. :)

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    Windows 8.1 Industry Pro x64
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    ATI Radeon HD 5770 1 gb ram
    Monitor(s) Displays
    Alienware 25 AW2521HF
    Screen Resolution
    1920x1080 &1680x1050
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    1 TB x2
    Other Info
  • Operating System
    Windows 2012 R2 Data center/Linux Mint
    Dell Poweredge T140
    i3 9100 3.6GHz, 8M cache, 4C/4T
    8GB 2666MT/s DDR4 ECC UDIMM
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