A Cleaner, Greener Media Centre PC


New Member
I rencetly purchase a LCD power meter from Canadian Tire (35$ is super cheap if you are in Canada, available online) in hopes of lowering my energy consumption. I noticed that when vista goes to "sleep" it only goes from about 175 Watts to 130 Watts. Now i know that this is because i have my Xbox connected for streaming media from to the system's HD. My PC does not want to go into a low power mode (say 15 watts) because it's has to be ready for a request from the 360 at any momment. The PC will still take 130 Watts in sleep mode even when the xbox is turned off.

Is there a way to have the PC go into a real sleep mode (15 Watts) yet still be able to be awakened by a request from the Xbox to start accessing a hard drive for streaming media? Is this "Wake on LAN"?

Is there a workaround to keep my electricity consumption down other than manually powering everything up or down when needed?



My Computer

Hi Rebot1501,

Check the Suspend type used in your BIOS...
S3 will Suspend to Ram and shutdown all the other components to save power while S1 will just stay Powered on Suspended...


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