Every vendor has a right for its product to be tested in Firewall Challenge for free two times in six months period and this right is valid only for stable and publicly available versions of the products. If a vendor offers more than one product it still has a right of only two free tests per six months. Moreover, next free testing of a product will be performed no sooner than one month after the last free testing.
This rule should prevent vendors from using Firewall Challenge testing as a free beta testing service. The exception from this rule is for vendors that offer two versions of the same product, from which one is available free of charge and the other one is a commercial version with some extra functionality and these version are likely to have different results in
Firewall Challenge. The second and the last exception from this rule is for vendors that offer a product with an antivirus engine and mark any of the tests of
Security Software Testing Suite as a virus, an infected code, an unwanted or malicious application, or offend any part of the suite directly using pattern recognitions or any other form of blacklisting. We have experienced such a behaviour in the past in case of leak-tests, this approach deceives the users of such antivirus engines and make the testing more difficult for us. The vendors who offend the testing suite have no right for free testing at all but can still request a paid testing.