64bit driver for Dell 703w AIO printer?


New Member
Greetings! Does anyone know where I could find such a driver? Dell claims that their drivers support 64bit Vista, however the installer bombs out. Running the individual driver setups from the CDROM produces a message about needing 64bit drivers, since what is attempting to install is 32bit. There are separate drivers for the scanner and the printer itself. I've spoke with their support folks and they don't seem to know too much beyond the script.

I heard that Dell OEM'ed this thing from Kodak. I d/l'ed Kodak's drivers and they fail in exactly the same way, and look quite similar so I think this may be true.

I have Home Premium 64bit, and a Dell 703w AIO that appears to be quite nice, but useless at the moment :( Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

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