Zoo tycoon


New Member
just got myself an old zoo tycoon orginal game and wont work on my vista pc. goes to loading screen then cuts out saying that there was a problem and it stopped working. anyone else got this problem and how can you solve it?

My Computer

Hi Marvin,

Can you post a screeenshot of the error you getting, also what exact version of Zoo Tycoon are you trying to play?


My Computer

this is all that it comes up with (see attachment). this appears after it goes to the loading screen. not sure what version it is but when i installed it and it didn't work i but the latest patch i could find on it which was 10.9 . any suggestions?



  • error.jpg
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My Computer


I had the same problem! And I couldn't find anything on the internet... I thought I was going crazy!!

But the solution is: Just change from 32bits to 16bits, you can find it in your screensettings. And it works great!


My Computer

i used to always run my zoo tycoon on my PC and now I can't run it on the new vista pc. it lets me open it and once I click play the game, it says

C:/ Program Files/Microsoft Games/ Zoo Tycoon 2/strings.dll is missing.


My Computer
