That is alright. If you are having problems with Vista x64 (I am running Vista Ultimate 64), then I hope this helps you. I have all recommended and important Windows updates downloaded and installed. If you want to see what hardware i am running then check my sig, please. I am currently running the Nvidia 15.08 drivers for my mainboard, 169.21 drivers for my video card, and the latest Creative drivers for my X-Fi card. I downloaded and ran the DirectX web setup app for DirectX. I also installed 1 hotfix (Virtual address space usage in Windows game development) from the Nvidia website. Note, I have turned off Windows Firewall, and UAC before doing the following. I uninstalled and reinstalled COD4. I then rebooted. Next, I installed the 1.2 patch and again rebooted. At this point I downloaded the Punbuster setup exe. I then created a folder on the desktop called Punkbuster and moved the exe file into the folder. I then ran the exe and it worked (Hopefully, you all know how to update using this method). I then rebooted again and installed the COD4 1.3 patch. Next, I ran the game and after a minute or so in multiplayer I got kicked for Punkbuster failing to initailize. I tried again and it did not work. I then tried right clicking the multplyaer icon and selecting run as admin. I was then successfully able to play two maps without any problems (bouncy ping, but hey it worked). I am not saying this is the answer, but so far it has worked for me using Vista 64. Good luck and if you are able to get your game to work, look for me on the digital battlefield!