Critical Updates for Sept. 2016


I have been trying over and over again and wasting hours trying to download critical updates for my Vista 32 with no luck. It just keeps saying "Checking for Updates." The same thing happened last month. Why isn't this working? So many wasted hours and anxiety. Is anyone else having same problem and what are you doing about it? MS should know about this problem. I've had problems downloading critical updates for Vista 32, Win 7 64 and Win 10 64.
Why is this continuing each month?
Can anyone help me with how to download the Vista 32 downloads PLEASE? I am 80 years old and as I said, wasting a lot of time and energy on this.

My Computer

This has been an ongoing issue every month since Windows 10 came out. It helps to first manually install the updates on this page. Search for Windows Updates takes forever? - A possible solution Before installation perform these steps.

1) Disable Automatic Updates:
Start > Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Update > Change settings > "Never check for updates"
2) Disconnect from the internet.

If you don't do that then the installer won't install the update until the windows update check has been completed which of course will likely take hours. After each update has been installed you will be prompted to reboot. After all the updates have installed enable Windows update and check again. If you receive a message saying that any aren't applicable to your system disregard and proceed with the next update. I went through this with a recent repair install and it worked. I started from the bottom and worked my way up.

In the future you might want to check that page again to see if there are any new updates to install after patch Tuesday (the second Tuesday of each month) or check this thread.

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I am so confused at this point that I don't know what is going on. I read on another site that the updates for Sept 2016 for Vista were:
KB385319, 3188724, 3006220, 318411 (which I already downloaded) and 3183038.
But none of those agree with the KBs mentioned on the page you supplied.
Can you explain please as I am new to all of this and it really has me confused, as I said (since I am 80 years old), and just trying to keep my Vista (32) updated with necessary critical updates (not optionals).

I was told there was a IE9 update KB3185319, which does not appear on the site you supplied. Why not?

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Again for me installing the updates on the page I posted allowed Vista to find over 200 updates on a new install in 15 minutes. Now it is likely that you have most of them installed already but download of all them to be sure. That should help. I don't know the technical specifics as to why this is going on but generally installing those updates helps. You will want the ones under the Vista x86 column. Don't forget to at least disable Windows update first. I would also disconnect from the internet. Search for Windows Updates takes forever? - A possible solution

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As I mentioned:
I was told there was a IE9 cum update KB3185319, which does not appear on the site you supplied. Why not?

Do you know why it doesn't appear on that list?

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That site only deals with updates known to possibly help with check time. Windows update will still have to be run after those updates have installed in order to update your system. You don't want to install all updates that way.

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Step-by-step instructions which might be a little easier to follow, have been posted June 16 (by our member Imacri) here...

Updates not working, it has been searching for updates for hours

It's ridiculous that we have to go through this every month. Why isn't MS doing something to correct it? I've spent hours trying to download/install Sept 2016 critical updates with no luck. Why should I have to do that? I'm at the stage now where I will just have to stop using my Vista computer. I am a computer novice and do not understand all the "fixes" and "work arounds" I've been told to follow to get the Sept. 2016 critical updates for my Vista. Why should I have to keep doing that? Can anyone answer that question. I have completely lost faith in MS for their lack of supplying an immediate remedy to this problem. I've been given so many "fixes" that my head is spinning as I don't know what they are talking about, let alone trying to follow the instructions and 'work around.'' Just an awful situation.

My Computer

We can't know why Microsoft hasn't fixed it but I can testify that those hotfixes worked for me. Likely most of them are already installed but that depends upon how far behind you are on updates. That is really the only solution. An alternative is just to leave your computer running say overnight. You can also set Windows update for automatic and then forget about it.

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It's ridiculous that we have to go through this every month...I've spent hours trying to download/install Sept 2016 critical updates...I'm at the stage now where I will just have to stop using my Vista computer...
You seem to be saying that the only updates you lack are those that were published on September 13. Please view your update history and look under Date Installed to find the date when Windows updates were last successfully installed. If your Vista PC was fully up to date on July 12, or on any date thereafter, then (and only then) you should only have to manually install one update at this time, namely this one: As explained earlier, it is very important to disable Windows Update before attempting to manually install. But if updates were last installed before July 12, then post again and tell us the date.

Those of us who try to solve other people's problems here at Vista Forums have also wasted a lot of time and energy on this, and none of us work for Microsoft as far as I know. You indicated in your original post that you also have Win 7 and Win 10, so it's difficult to see how a Vista PC could be very important to you. Support for Vista will cease altogether after April 11, so the vast majority of "critical" updates that will ever exist have already been installed. Some computer novices running Vista might be a lot happier if they set Windows Update to "never check for updates" and just leave it that way.

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After installing KB 31859811, the other updates automatically downloaded and installed.

There was also an automatic download of KB3174644 for my Vista 32 SP2, but I do not notice that on the following page:

I guess that KB3174644 automatic download for my Vista 32 SP2 is OKAY since it was downloaded automatically by MS Critical Updates page. Would you agree?

Last edited:

My Computer

I'm glad that it worked out. It wasn't that bad was it? That kb looked ok. Are you going to mark this as resolved?

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    Windows 2012 R2 Data center/Linux Mint
    Dell Poweredge T140
    i3 9100 3.6GHz, 8M cache, 4C/4T
    8GB 2666MT/s DDR4 ECC UDIMM
    Screen Resolution
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The update you are referencing, KB3174644, does not seem to included, for Vista users, in the MS16 list.
It is included, however, for Windows 7 users, but as part of a different update number.
According to AskWoody, this particular update 3174644 was issued to Vista users separately.

So, to the point, your downloaded update was okay.

I would echo Vistaar's point that critical updates for Vista may not be that critical anymore.
Also, if you're worried about running a system that's not fully patched/updated...I'm willing to bet that right now, even with your September updates applied, your system may still contain critical errors! And a few of these will be fixed next month...or not.

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