I have a dell t series.
Windows Vista 32 bit.
I was doing a windows update and it said it needed to be restarted in order for it to be completed. Upon restarting computer it said there was a problem with the update. I tried restarting and now It locks or stops when loading at !! Oxc0190005 !! 24778/61615 (Registry\machine\schema\wmc.
I tried the F2 and F2 Bios Setting and reboot with the cd: downloaded to help it get to the System screen. I tried restore and it locks down. Not sure what to try now!!!
Please help me. I need to be able to get my I tunes account backed up at least if it isn't going to work properly.
Windows Vista 32 bit.
I was doing a windows update and it said it needed to be restarted in order for it to be completed. Upon restarting computer it said there was a problem with the update. I tried restarting and now It locks or stops when loading at !! Oxc0190005 !! 24778/61615 (Registry\machine\schema\wmc.
I tried the F2 and F2 Bios Setting and reboot with the cd: downloaded to help it get to the System screen. I tried restore and it locks down. Not sure what to try now!!!
Please help me. I need to be able to get my I tunes account backed up at least if it isn't going to work properly.