Ok I uninstalled PowerShell.
I had installed it 08/2009 so my memory was kinda foggy.
Luckily I keep extensive records.
It was cryptically referenced in:
control panel/Programs and Features/View Installed Updates/ Windows Management Framework Core (KB968930)
I had used the windows explorer search function to search for powershell and 968930
and found nothing. I am reminded again that windows explorer search does not
search for filenames by default. I was able to find it by the installation date.
Anyhow, I am sure that I got it uninstalled, as I see the folder under windows/system32 is gone.
I did have to remove an entry in the start menu, so uninstall not quite complete.
And I see several powershell entries in registry still.
Now when I run update, it still shows an optional update for KB968930.
I searched registry and found several powershell entries.
I suppose that update uses registry to determine what to install?
I probably should just quite at this point.
The potential problem is that I normally install all updates, even the optional ones.
So, I may forget in the future and install the KB968930.
I believe it will throw an error again, although maybe not.
I guess I could:
A. Leave it alone and remember to not install optional update KB968930.
This laptop is 12 months old, and I suppose I will do a bare metal reinstall
at some point, which would clean this up.
B. Cleanup registry. That is remove powershell items, then rerun update to see if
KB968930 is gone. I could do this with CCleaner or manually.
C. Install KB968930. Maybe it will install properly now. The reason is this:
While googling, I found people were having lots of trouble uninstalling powershell.
And the newer versions required an uninstall of older versions. Apparently
MS did not do a good job with the installation script. Mine was installed in
a folder clearly named version 1, even though I had installed version 2, which
I verified via an obscure registry entry. It kinda looks like MS violated standard procedure
and caused some internal confusion. If this does not work, I could restore again.
What do you suggest?