Windows update (sp2) problem with Zone Alarm


New Member

My laptop´s internet explorer and firefox can´t connect to the internet due to firewall issues.

Clicking on "Diagnose connection problems" I received the following message:

"The following policy settings on this computer might be blocking the connection:

Policy Provider: -

I uptaded my Windows vista recently, and found out that it has problems with Zone alarm. The real problem is that I removed and deleted zone alarm a long time ago but it is still in the windows security settings, and I cannot remove it.

Can someone help me with this?

thank you.

My Computer

Run cmd.exe with administrative previlliges (right click on cmd.exe as admin) and type:

netsh winsock reset


if it don't solve problem run "MS Fix it" from this article How to reset Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

Make sure you don't have folder where Zone Alarm was stored,if this folder still exist remove it manually.

My Computer


I tried all the steps... nothing worked...

isn´t the problem related to Zone Alarm and the message I got?

"The following policy settings on this computer might be blocking the connection:

Policy Provider: -

how can I take out Zone Alarm from the Windows security center?

tranks so much for your help...

My Computer

how can I take out Zone Alarm from the Windows security center?
In Security Center ZA is still listed?

Try this

run cmd.exe with administrative previlliges and type:

winmgmt /resetrepository


If don't help too ,again run cmd.exe and type:

wmic path __Provider get name >%userprofile%\Desktop\Providers.txt

//before "Provider" word you have to type double down line "__" exactly as I typed//

on your desktop appear Providers.txt file ,this file attache to post

My Computer


It did not work again. ZA still listed in the windows security center, that does not give me the option to disable it and go back to windows firewall. I can turn on windows firewall, but it does not disable ZA either

note: safari works ok.

the provider.txt is attached.



My Computer

Hey Flavius,

It got even worst now... I can´t connect to the internet. I have access: local only. The other computers I have connected to this router work just fine. Tried to connect it directly in the moden, didn´t work.

should we undo the last task?
what should we do now,

thanks for your help.

My Computer

Hey Flavius,

It got even worst now... I can´t connect to the internet. I have access: local only. The other computers I have connected to this router work just fine. Tried to connect it directly in the moden, didn´t work.

should we undo the last task?
what should we do now,

thanks for your help.
There is no ability undo last task,besides it shouldn't cause such effect :sarc:
Run cmd.exe with admin previlliges (right click on cmd.exe as admin) and again type

winmgmt /resetrepository


if it fail too,open device manager,find your network adapter and uninstall driver for adapter and then restart computer,it should reset stored internet connections (independly it is WLAN adapter or Ethernet).System will reinstall driver for adapter automatically during restarting.

My Computer

the first step didn´t work...

I have some doubts about the second, uninstall the driver adapter.

Under network adapters there are three branches...
The First: have numbers and letters.
The second: Intel(R) Wireless WiFi Link 4965AGN
The Third: Realtek PCIe Family Controller

I uninstalled the one with numbers and letters. But the connection still local only, and the system didn´t reinstall it during restart.

what shoud we do now... I´m afraid I will need to format this PC... :cry:

thanks for you help. :)

My Computer

Of course you have to uninstall driver for this one network adapter which you use to internernet connection.If use WiFi then you have to uninstall WiFi driver,if you use ethernet cable then uninstall Realtek PCIe Family Controller drivers + restart o fcourse.If it fail too make two things:

1.Follow to below article

2.Open device manager,go to View tab and enable "Show hidden devices" and make screen from Network adapters section
3.Make logs MAIN+EXTRA from OTL (leave defaultly settings)

logs attache to post

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