Hi guys,
I am having problems on my computer and I was hoping someone can help me out.
I cannot update windows going either through the update or manually through Microsoft website.
When I try to update my computer this error comes up
Error(s) found:
Code 80072EFD Windows Update encountered an unknown error.
I have tried to download various files from the official Windows Vista update website (Vista Service pack2, Update readiness tool), but when it comes to downloading the file it goes to Megaclick website everytime not allowing me to get any files that I may require to sort out this mess.
Thanks for your help
I am having problems on my computer and I was hoping someone can help me out.
I cannot update windows going either through the update or manually through Microsoft website.
When I try to update my computer this error comes up
Error(s) found:
Code 80072EFD Windows Update encountered an unknown error.
I have tried to download various files from the official Windows Vista update website (Vista Service pack2, Update readiness tool), but when it comes to downloading the file it goes to Megaclick website everytime not allowing me to get any files that I may require to sort out this mess.
Thanks for your help