Hi there,
Brand new install of Windows Vista, everything has been marked Genuine using the validation tools. Whenever I try to install an update to Directx or anything else for that matter it tells me either a): Crypographic Services do not trust this download or certificate or there is a corrupted cabinet. or b) Low Disk space (700Gb free) and/or corrupted cabinet. I do not expect this with a fresh install of Vista 64bit Sp1..
Any1 able to throw light on the matter.
Brand new install of Windows Vista, everything has been marked Genuine using the validation tools. Whenever I try to install an update to Directx or anything else for that matter it tells me either a): Crypographic Services do not trust this download or certificate or there is a corrupted cabinet. or b) Low Disk space (700Gb free) and/or corrupted cabinet. I do not expect this with a fresh install of Vista 64bit Sp1..
Any1 able to throw light on the matter.