Since accepting the IE8 Windows update, I keep having
IE8 crashes always with mshtml.dll indicated as the fault module.
Any advice on what to do?
IE8 crashes always with mshtml.dll indicated as the fault module.
Any advice on what to do?
Thanks for the suggestions. Regarding the drivers, specifically what
drivers would be affecting IE8? I have a relatively new Laptop (Jan 2009)
but will look for new drivers that might affect IE8. Which ones should I be looking for?. Thanks for the help
I would like to try the IE Reset tutorial as is suggested.
Where do I find it.
No as I said I did deep tests and have always been able to reporduce exactly the same crash (same Offset/Execption code!) even testing with IE with no add-ons (enter "inter" in Start...). Must be a real bug in mshtml.dll... Let's hope to see an update within a pair of weeks because there are days when it crashes frequently.
I can say happens more often if you for example open a group of tabs simultaneously or many tabs with a lot of images. Try to load a lot of pages and furiosly open/close/switch links and tabs (you can open tabs faster clicking mid-mouse-button)...
No as I said I did deep tests and have always been able to reporduce exactly the same crash (same Offset/Execption code!) even testing with IE with no add-ons (enter "inter" in Start...). Must be a real bug in mshtml.dll... Let's hope to see an update within a pair of weeks because there are days when it crashes frequently.
I can say happens more often if you for example open a group of tabs simultaneously or many tabs with a lot of images. Try to load a lot of pages and furiosly open/close/switch links and tabs (you can open tabs faster clicking mid-mouse-button)...
If you can repro that on multiple machines, then you may be on to something - tell MS. Otherwise, if it's just a single machine, its configuration may be damaged in ways that are not obvious. By definition, "bugs" repro on every box given the same set of starting circumstances.
Yes, of course this happens everywhere. It's just a matter of stress test level but it's HW independent. You can easily find the same bug reported by many other users if you Google for "IE8 crash mshtml.dll"...
Yes, doesn't happen often. But happens. And the fact that many people reported the same bug with the same error codes can't be a mere coincidence. It depends on how many simultaneous lodaings/tabs you're dealing with... try to open a lot of tabs from links (use mid-mouse-button for quick open) and load many pages at the same time, possibily with many pics. In the meanwhile switch amongst tabs/close/open new ones. If you do this furiously enogh for 5-10 minsYes, of course this happens everywhere. It's just a matter of stress test level but it's HW independent. You can easily find the same bug reported by many other users if you Google for "IE8 crash mshtml.dll"...
Doesn't happen here, to be a little bit pedantic about it.
Anyway, such generic search terms are useless. You might as well search for "computer crashing".
Do you know how to generate a minidump of that crash? If so, I'd be interested to take a look at it.
Thanks for the interesting information. Lets hope Microsoft has an IE8 update soon.
You say you browse with "DEP" turned on? What is DEP for IE8?
What does it do?
No as I said I did deep tests and have always been able to reporduce exactly the same crash (same Offset/Execption code!) even testing with IE with no add-ons (enter "inter" in Start...). Must be a real bug in mshtml.dll... Let's hope to see an update within a pair of weeks because there are days when it crashes frequently.
I can say happens more often if you for example open a group of tabs simultaneously or many tabs with a lot of images. Try to load a lot of pages and furiosly open/close/switch links and tabs (you can open tabs faster clicking mid-mouse-button)...
Well, you found just a few a25c6 reports because a lot of users simply don't attach error log but this doesn't mean the cases are just 7 all over the worldNo as I said I did deep tests and have always been able to reporduce exactly the same crash (same Offset/Execption code!) even testing with IE with no add-ons (enter "inter" in Start...). Must be a real bug in mshtml.dll... Let's hope to see an update within a pair of weeks because there are days when it crashes frequently.
There is nothing yet to indicate that the crashes being experienced by your machine are the same as the OP's, nor that this is widespread in the way you claim. I'd suggest not jumping to conclusions, both for your own sake and for that of others who may be reading the thread.
I did a google search on your crash offset (000a25c6), and that returned 7 results total, only 3 of which are distinct. In all cases, it's someone called "hexaae" and another poster calling themselves "jimmyjoe21". While I remain open-minded, two reports doesn't exactly mean it's widespread. It is entirely possible that the crash is environmental, and you may wish to troubleshoot it as such.
If you know how tell me... there are special options to activate in Vista I'm not aware of?If you can generate a memory dump of the crash, I'll gladly take a look.
Usually more than 1-2 users reporting the same bug reproduced the same way are important clues... I can understand if it was just me, I myself was skeptical before saying it could be a real bug, but if you add to this the other clues...I can say happens more often if you for example open a group of tabs simultaneously or many tabs with a lot of images. Try to load a lot of pages and furiosly open/close/switch links and tabs (you can open tabs faster clicking mid-mouse-button)...
I do that almost literally every day of my life (unless my wife manages to drag me away from the computer!), and personally I've never seen a crash in IE8 to date.
As I've already said, since I'm not a newbie, I've tested IE8 without add-ons and I've been still able to reproduce the same crash and offset after a while... I can't find a real repro pattern though, yet.However, IEXPLORE is what's termed a "container" process in the sense that a lot of other modules may be loaded therein, and if you pick up buggy add-ons or security utilities that can cause crashes which are unique to your environment.