[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]Hello everyone!
I have a big problem! Windows Update stopped working on my home computer from some days. It has been about a week now. I would like to know if someone experienced the same and have a solution.
The OS installed is Wndows Vista Home Premium x64 SP1.
The problem is the following:
When it first appeared about a week ago Windows Update noticed me that one
update was available for download. I started the download, but even though
the progress bar was moving, the process didn't go on and the installation %
didn't move from 0. After some time (probably about 15 minutes) I decided to
stop the download using the button in the Update window. Doing that, Update
freezed and the only way I could close it was killing it from the Task
Manager. I then tried to run Update again (without rebooting) and this time
the Update window showed up completely blank (just white) and freezed once
again. At that point I rebooted my computer.
After that Windows Update haven't noticed me of any updates (even though in
the last few days there were some available) and if I try to click on "Check
for updates" the Update freezes just like explained before.
I found a procedure in some microsoft forum and tried it: I stopped the Update and
BITS services (Update service couldn't be stopped while Update was frozen,
had to reboot), then I renamed the %systemroot%/softwaredistribution
directory and started the two services again.
After that procedure Update doesn't freeze anymore, but neither gives me
updates notices and when I "Check for updates" it gives me an error (code
Someone has any idea what is wrong in my computer? Nothing unusual happened
before the problem showed up. No particular installations or anything, just
normal routine computer usage.
I have a big problem! Windows Update stopped working on my home computer from some days. It has been about a week now. I would like to know if someone experienced the same and have a solution.
The OS installed is Wndows Vista Home Premium x64 SP1.
The problem is the following:
When it first appeared about a week ago Windows Update noticed me that one
update was available for download. I started the download, but even though
the progress bar was moving, the process didn't go on and the installation %
didn't move from 0. After some time (probably about 15 minutes) I decided to
stop the download using the button in the Update window. Doing that, Update
freezed and the only way I could close it was killing it from the Task
Manager. I then tried to run Update again (without rebooting) and this time
the Update window showed up completely blank (just white) and freezed once
again. At that point I rebooted my computer.
After that Windows Update haven't noticed me of any updates (even though in
the last few days there were some available) and if I try to click on "Check
for updates" the Update freezes just like explained before.
I found a procedure in some microsoft forum and tried it: I stopped the Update and
BITS services (Update service couldn't be stopped while Update was frozen,
had to reboot), then I renamed the %systemroot%/softwaredistribution
directory and started the two services again.
After that procedure Update doesn't freeze anymore, but neither gives me
updates notices and when I "Check for updates" it gives me an error (code
Someone has any idea what is wrong in my computer? Nothing unusual happened
before the problem showed up. No particular installations or anything, just
normal routine computer usage.