I think that Windows 7 is thinly veiled plot to control premium content and the rest is subterfuge. Am I paranoid? I had refrained from installing SP1 for Vista Ultimate on my machine although curiosity got the better of me when I finally installed SP1 and, as one might guess, my system was wiped. No big deal. I lost a few days worth of work although, after my rage subsided :sa:, I restored Vista. Then, for the first time in almost two years I turned on Windows updates. In this way, I could see the net effect of automatic updates. I could see that my entire system has been wiped again and irreversibly altered. Spyware has infected my machine , a variety of functions are no longer operable . Hasn't anyone noticed that Updates can change the operation of Windows? A few days later my desktops were also wiped out while trying to install SP1.
G'Day chuckm07,
First of all, I am obliged to welcome you to the Vista Forums and hope that you will find it a most helpful experience. However I must recommend that you find EVERY post that you possibly can on Windows Updates, and read them all.
This is because secondly, it is NOT the fault of Windows Updates for the cause of the problems that you are, or have been experiencing with YOUR system. I highlight that word, because Windows Updates is not responsible for the operation of YOUR system, that alone is YOUR responsibility, and you must live with the choices that YOU make.
How you have managed without automatic updates for nearly two years, is beyond me, and the likely effects of this.......
quote..... Then, for the first time in almost two years I turned on Windows updates. In this way, I could see the net effect of automatic updates. I could see that my entire system has been wiped again and irreversibly altered. Spyware has infected my machine , a variety of functions are no longer operable ......
........have been caused by the person sitting in the chair, in front of
your PC.
The whole point of automatic Windows Updates is provide you, the User, with a platform that provides 'prompts' for you to do something to either improve, enhance or add security for YOUR operating system. If you make the choice to ignore Windows recommendations, then you must bear the consequences for making that choice.
I've had my system since June '07, just before SP1 was released, and with just one exception [with Office 2007], have never had any of the problems that you refer to. Whenever I open up, Windows Updates is my first 'click' for the day. And I don't just install for the sake of it either, I have a read of what the Update is about, before going ahead.
I sincerely hope that you get your system sorted out, stabilised, updated and free from spyware or malware, and can get on with enjoying your time at the PC.
Can I also suggest that you give some assistance to the 'helpers' by completing your CP - 'My System Specs', and check out the link at the bottom of my page.
Don't forget that there is always someone here to help you with any problems you may be having, just find the most suitable section, and go for it. And most of all, enjoy your time with this Forum.