My laptop which is an Acer model 4520,with an AMD Turion 64x2 processor 2 GB of memory DDR 2 667 and with a 105 SATA II hard disk..themachine begins dowloading the updates and after the instalation a message apperars saying that updates where not configurated correctly,reverting action..
I think that the problem is in the configuration of the operating system
and with the way Acer configures the hard drive...I use to fix computers where the manufacturer make a partition on the hard disk to preserve the recovery
but they use only between 8 to 12 GB for that purpose,but in the Acer machines
they make a 50% partition for C: and 50% for D:and then when the C: partition
get full,the computer advice you to eliminate programs or discard anything you are not using.Why they don't left 90% to put anything you want on the C: particion and reserve only 10% for the recovery..because when the 50% they dedicate to partition C: get full,you try to move applications and maybe programs to partition D: and probably the configuration of the machine get incorrected allocation data..
I ask for Acer support, because I will like to make a smaller partition on D: and they suggest me to get the Partition Magic,but I can't find one that works on Vista is only for XP.
Can anybody sugget me something to do?
I think that the problem is in the configuration of the operating system
and with the way Acer configures the hard drive...I use to fix computers where the manufacturer make a partition on the hard disk to preserve the recovery
but they use only between 8 to 12 GB for that purpose,but in the Acer machines
they make a 50% partition for C: and 50% for D:and then when the C: partition
get full,the computer advice you to eliminate programs or discard anything you are not using.Why they don't left 90% to put anything you want on the C: particion and reserve only 10% for the recovery..because when the 50% they dedicate to partition C: get full,you try to move applications and maybe programs to partition D: and probably the configuration of the machine get incorrected allocation data..
I ask for Acer support, because I will like to make a smaller partition on D: and they suggest me to get the Partition Magic,but I can't find one that works on Vista is only for XP.
Can anybody sugget me something to do?