Windows Update Error 80070424

Windows Update Error 80070424 in Vista

All aspects of this error -how to fix


This error may be caused trouble with following services

-Backgroung Inteligence Transfer Service
-Windows Update
-Windows Modules Installer



Go to Start>>Search>>services.msc
and check below services exist, have correct settings and are working

BITS :Automatic(Delayed),started

Windows Update : Automatic(Delayed),started

Windows Modules Installer:Manual

If you have another settings you have to correct it.If you can't correct settings or any service don't exist follow below:


Issue with Background Inteligence Transfer Service

See this tutorial How to fix Background Inteligence Transfer Service


Issue with Windows Update


//worth only to try if service is available but you can't start it//

Try reset the whole WU in aggresive mode KB971058


//worth only to try if service is available but you can't start it//

Try reinstall Windows Update Agent KB949104


Import to registry special fix for Windows Update service attached here View attachment
and next restart computer


Issue with Windows Modules Installer


Another symptom of this service corruption is unable to run System File Checker.
When you run any SFC command the following error is returned:

Windows Resource Protection could not start the repair service


What you need to fix:

1.Fix to registry for Windows Modules Installer services:View attachment
//this ZIP file include TrustedInstaller.reg file //
2.TrustedInstaller.exe file appriopriate for your system.You can extract it from your own Vista DVD using 7-zip or WinRAR CLICK
or claasic method using WAIK CLICK -your choose how to do that :sleepy:

or just download & extract from already prepared ZIP files;appriopriate for your system

for x32 View attachment

for x64 View attachment

3.Sometimes you will need Psexec.exe file cointained in PsTools if you have any trouble with importing fix to registry (details below)

How to fix:

1.Download TrustedInstaller.reg and TrustedInstaller.exe (appriopriate for your system),TrustedInstaller.reg file you can place anywhere for example you can place on your desktop,Documents folder (as you wish).File TrustedInstaller.exe you have to place directly in C:\Windows\Servicing folder but you have to change permissions to do that because Administrators group nor you don't have full control for Servicing folder:

-takeownership C:\Windows\Servicing folder and add your account to have full control

//see this tutorial how to do that:CLICK

-place TrustedInstaller.exe in C:\Windows\Servicing folder

2.Import fix to registry attached above (just double click on TrustedInstaller.reg file).Possible you don't have any problem with importing it,if it won't return any error ignore points 3 and 4 and go to point 5 ,if it return error "Acess denied" the best way to workaround it, import this fix from SYSTEM account (go to point 3).

3.Download PsTools ,extract from this psexec.exe file and place it in C:\Windows\System32 folder

4.Run cmd.exe with administrative previlliges (right click on cmd.exe as admin) and type:

psexec -s -i -d regedit

This command run regedit from System account.In regedit go to File>>Import,navigate to location where you store TrustedInstaller.reg file,choose it and apply.

5.Restart computer.After restart Windows Update should work fine now.
6.If everything work fine now restore oryginal permissions to C:\Windows\Servicing folder

-remove your account from permissions to Servicing folder
-Restore ownership of Servicing folder back to "NT Service\TrustedInstaller"

//see this tutorial how to do that CLICK



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Hi Genius Guys,

The Fix was really helpfull. I followed all the steps mentioned by you guys and was able to have my updates running again on my X64 bit Vista OS.. Thanks a lot you guys are really a Genius......

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System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    HP HDX 16
I'm utterly frustrated, tried all options on this this page & not a single thing worked. Not a clue where to go from here. I run Vista Home Premium x64, but reading through this shouldn't make a difference.

My Computer

If it is missing Windows Modules Installer service I suspect you have incorrect settings folder options, and you don't see correctly file extensions and you can't differentiate TrustedInstaller.exe and TrustedInstaller.reg(pay attention for file extensions in the filename!) many unexperience users do this error when they trying to fix this service.First in folder options,uncheck "hide extensions for known file types" (see STEP TWO

TrustedInstaller.exe - you have to place this file to C:\Windows\Servicing folder,this file is process for this service
TrustedInstaller.reg - this is registry fix for this service,to restore Windows Modules Installer service in registry.

Both things you have to do

My Computer

Yep, done & done. Only the .exe file goes in folder rite? (changed folder permissions to allow me to do so), then just clicked the .reg file to activate (downloaded to desktop & not moved to folder). Restarted comp as instructed & then wouldn't boot OS, got so far & comp just repeated start up process over & over. Thought I mite have properly messed up my comp for a mo, but put it back to back to an ealyer restore point.

Really lost as what to do now.

My Computer

Yep, done & done. Only the .exe file goes in folder rite?
(changed folder permissions to allow me to do so), then just clicked the .reg file to activate (downloaded to desktop & not moved to folder).
also correct done

Restarted comp as instructed & then wouldn't boot OS, got so far & comp just repeated start up process over & over. Thought I mite have properly messed up my comp for a mo, but put it back to back to an ealyer restore point.
Really lost as what to do now.
You had to have apart issue with TrustedInstaller any other extra issue.

My Computer

Hey. Sorry, I'm not to sure what ur stating with the comment 'You had to have apart issue with TrustedInstaller any other extra issue'. Are you saying their must be another problem that can't be explained?

When I rebooted comp, the windows updater didn't work but did come up with another error code, a different one to the first I encountered, but then just kept restarting itself, getting so far through the restart process saying '1 of 3 updates, please do not shutdown comp' & then restarting itself over and over.

My Computer

Hey. Sorry, I'm not to sure what ur stating with the comment 'You had to have apart issue with TrustedInstaller any other extra issue'. Are you saying their must be another problem that can't be explained?
Exactly.Other persons also reported when they fixed already TrustedInstaller had next other problems

Fixed Error Code 80070424 / Now error code 80070005 is the trouble

But I can sure you mostly persons don't have any extra problems due to my fix.

My Computer

Found out what the 2nd error code was before the system kept rebootin itself.

Error code - 0x80073712

But now I'v taken it back to a restore point, the Error code is back to 0x80070424

My Computer

Found out what the 2nd error code was before the system kept rebootin itself.

Error code - 0x80073712

This error relate to corruption files in C:\Windows\WinSxS and in C:\Windows\Servicing\Packages folder :shock:.

But now I'v taken it back to a restore point, the Error code is back to 0x80070424
You may try again my fix for TrustedInstaller or decide at once make repair installation
(of course you must have Vista DVD to do),if you have only problems with your system it solve all your problems.

My Computer

Hi Flavius- spent all day troubleshooting this- thanks for your steps- I finally got TrustedInstaller.exe into the Serving folder, TrustedInstaller.reg did not import, so I downloaded and extracted the PsExec.exe file to my System32 folder- ran the command prompt and typed psexec -s -i -d regedit - yet on doing so regedit does not open and if I open regedit manually I am still unable to import TrustedInstaller.reg- any advice would be gratefully apreciated- thank you!

My Computer

Hi Flavius- spent all day troubleshooting this- thanks for your steps- I finally got TrustedInstaller.exe into the Serving folder, TrustedInstaller.reg did not import, so I downloaded and extracted the PsExec.exe file to my System32 folder- ran the command prompt and typed psexec -s -i -d regedit - yet on doing so regedit does not open and if I open regedit manually I am still unable to import TrustedInstaller.reg- any advice would be gratefully apreciated- thank you!

What error messages return regedit? It's very important.

Do you have this key: HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\TrustedInstaller ?If yes can you open it manually without problems,no errors returned?

My Computer

I actually just tried doing a system restore back to the settings from a couple of days ago- yet still didn't resolve my error regarding being unable to run windows update (error code 8007002)- not restored far back enough i guess- yet I cannot risk guessing how far back to go, even though the windowsupdate error only showed today-I don't know what caused this problem & when it occurred, to have removed the TrustedInstaller.exe file etc- of course now as a result of the system restore, I'm 'back to square one'- and will need to go through the above steps to add Trustedinstaller.exe again and try to import TrustedInstaller.reg again- but before I do - sorry for my ingnorance, yet within regedit- how so I find that specific key you mentioned? from memory, when I typed psexec -s -i -d regedit in the command prompt- on hitting enter, a bunch of text came down in the command prompt window, yetI'm certain I canot say an error came from regedit as the above command did not open regedit- after opening regedit manually (by typing regedit in Vista's 'start search' box and then trying to import it of course did not allow me to import the TrustedInstaller.reg file

My Computer

when I typed psexec -s -i -d regedit in the command prompt- on hitting enter, a bunch of text came down in the command prompt window, yetI'm certain I canot say an error came from regedit as the above command did not open regedit- after opening regedit manually (by typing regedit in Vista's 'start search' box and then trying to import it of course did not allow me to import the TrustedInstaller.reg file

Probably you had TrustedInsteller key before but corrupted,without full access for Administrators group thus in my tutorial is warning sometimes psexec tool is needed to import fix to registry.Hard to say why through psexec you can't run regedit

-you did something wrong
-you have some issues with environments variables

Can you show screen from command prompt?

Relate error code 0x80070002

1.Reset WU components in aggressive mode How do I reset Windows Update components?
(run MS Fix It from this site in aggressive mode)
2.Check also MS Fix it from this link You receive a "0x80070002" or "0x80070003" error code after you download an update from Windows Update, from Microsoft Update, or from Windows Server Update Services

My Computer

when I typed psexec -s -i -d regedit in the command prompt- on hitting enter, a bunch of text came down in the command prompt window, yetI'm certain I canot say an error came from regedit as the above command did not open regedit- after opening regedit manually (by typing regedit in Vista's 'start search' box and then trying to import it of course did not allow me to import the TrustedInstaller.reg file

Probably you had TrustedInsteller key before but corrupted,without full access for Administrators group thus in my tutorial is warning sometimes psexec tool is needed to import fix to registry.Hard to say why through psexec you can't run regedit

-you did something wrong
-you have some issues with environments variables

Can you show screen from command prompt?

Relate error code 0x80070002

1.Reset WU components in aggressive mode How do I reset Windows Update components?
(run MS Fix It from this site in aggressive mode)
2.Check also MS Fix it from this link You receive a "0x80070002" or "0x80070003" error code after you download an update from Windows Update, from Microsoft Update, or from Windows Server Update Services

I tried to Reset WU components in aggressive mode, by running MS Fix it- thanks for the suggestion- unfortunately it still hasn't resolved the problem- should I try putting TrustedInstaller.exe in the Services folder again and try and import TrustedInstaller.reg again now and if I get any errors, capture the screen/s for you or is this not a fix for my problem?

I've had Windows 7 waiting to be installed as an upgrade to Vista for the last 9 months yet have put it off because of all the complications involved yet this may be a sign to start now..though I'd still rather make a quick fix to this in Vista now, as other than this issue (and an issue not being able restore Vista from standby- a whole other story..) I'm pretty happy with Vista..

My Computer

I tried to Reset WU components in aggressive mode, by running MS Fix it- thanks for the suggestion- unfortunately it still hasn't resolved the problem- should I try putting TrustedInstaller.exe in the Services folder again and try and import TrustedInstaller.reg again now and if I get any errors, capture the screen/s for you or is this not a fix for my problem?
No.Leave TrustedInstaller.exe and don't touch it any more.Make sure you still have psexec.exe in C:\Windows\System32 and next open command prompt,type psexec -s -i -d regedit and then capture the screen.

Run Readiness Tool Description of the System Update Readiness Tool for Windows Vista, for Windows Server 2008, for Windows 7, and for Windows Server 2008 R2

This tool will create CheckSur.log in C:\Windows\Logs\CBS folder ->attache this file to post

I've had Windows 7 waiting to be installed as an upgrade to Vista for the last 9 months yet have put it off because of all the complications involved yet this may be a sign to start now..though I'd still rather make a quick fix to this in Vista now, as other than this issue (and an issue not being able restore Vista from standby- a whole other story..) I'm pretty happy with Vista..
Upgrade to Windows 7 would be solution of course

My Computer

I tried again opening command prompt,typing psexec -s -i -d regedit etc and this time it opened regedit OK with no errors- you sure I shouldn't go through the steps and try adding TrustedInstaller.exe to the Servicing folder again & then do this again (ie. try importing the TrustedInstaller.reg file now regedit seems to open from the command prompt line)? I dare not try importing TrustedInstaller.reg unless you think it's OK, even if regedit is opening now through the command prompt...

Please note before finding this thread, I followed all the steps listed in Windows help on troubleshooting error 80070002- listed in attached screen capture (including deleting temporary update files and manually running the System Update Readiness Tool (which I found here: Download details: System Update Readiness Tool for Windows Vista for x64-based Systems (KB947821) [August 2010] though all these steps did not resolve my issue, which is why I researched further & came across this thread- are you saying I should try a different version of the System Update Readiness Tool? I can't remember now if the last time I ran this program was before or after my recent restoration of Windows to a few days agao - I tried to attach the .log file that I have in the directory you gave but had some trouble attaching I will attach in the next message immediately, though I don't think it reveals much


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My Computer

The log is empty -no errors detected.
1.Uninstall all 3p security software,reinstall Windows Update Agent How to obtain the latest version of the Windows Update Agent to help manage updates on a computer
2.If point 1 doesn't help,reset system transaction logs CLFS transaction logs - Reset - Windows 7 Forums[2]=General%20Tips

I tried again opening command prompt,typing psexec -s -i -d regedit etc and this time it opened regedit OK with no errors- you sure I shouldn't go through the steps and try adding TrustedInstaller.exe to the Servicing folder again & then do this again (ie. try importing the TrustedInstaller.reg file now regedit seems to open from the command prompt line)? I dare not try importing TrustedInstaller.reg unless you think it's OK, even if regedit is opening now through the command prompt...
If you already replaced TrustedInstaller.exe you don't need repeat this step.If you have already Windows Modules Installer service and it working you don't need enter fix for this service too.It's clear.
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