To give you an honest answer, if it were me (but I am prepared), I would use a recent image that I made of my operating system (which has the same as a reinstallation, but a lot quicker and no reinstallation of software necessary) I would suggest that, but I do not think that you have the image. To be 100% safe you should reinstall. Reinstallation is the approach that would be used by our top security member. I am reluctant to suggest that because, you would lose your stuff, since the Trojan could be lurking anywhere and I did not think that you would be happy reinstalling. Now that you know all the facts its up to you. I would of course change all passwords. Scan with the antivirus, plus use some on line Scanners to be sure that it is all gone.
You know the facts, now, do whatever makes you comfortable and happy.
If you decide to reinstall