I wonder how can you make sure you will be safe doing these online with any softwares that will help protecting?
I found these from googling, etc
1. KeyScrambler
2. LUA- I am not sure what it is or where site to download, but someone mentioned this on other forum when someone asked for safety doing online banking. But, I googled it online and am not sure which one. https://www.google.com/search?q=LUA...ome&ie=UTF-8&sei=cZOtUcqGBdLH4AO1rYHIDQ&gbv=2
3. OpenDNS
4. Sandboxie
5. Secunia- it is not relating but it looks for updates that you had softwares installed.
Of course, along with an anti-virus software, and malware softwares.
Are those the one to use and what else to use as well? Much thanks!
The best way to protect your computer is subjective, there is no right or wrong answer.
I feel very secure using the following techniques.
I use Security Essentials and Malwarebytes to protect against Malware and virus.
I also use web of trust. It will tell you if you are on an unsafe site. This will protect you from look alike sites, etc Safe Browsing Tool | WOT (Web of Trust)
Secunia is great software that I use
I always make sure that when I am at the site, the address, begins https and not just http. The s shows that it is a secure site
I never go to my secure sites at public places using wi fi, etc. This can be easily hacked.
Change your pass word every few months.
It is my opinion that this is all that is needed.
It's discomforting to realize that this Vista forum site is not secure: http://www.vistax64.com/, and neither is my homepage: MSN.com
It's comforting to realize that all my other private surfings are on "secure" s sites : banking, mails(msn, yahoo and google), facebook, and travel clubs.
It's not comforting at all to be told (by acquaintance techies) that consummate hackers can BE (break-and-entry) any site, with or without s...sometimes regardless of written passwords (it seems passwords can be video, graphics, or audio--recorded sounds. Owner's voice being decidedly the toughest).
I only use my actual credit card on sites that I 100% trust. The rest use Paypal for payment.
It's better to not worry about it, and know how your CC Company will esponbd to fraudulent purchase, than sit and constantly worry about it... Way to scarey.
IMO the need is most prevalent with healthcare info and purchases and I really only buy directly from major companies that I can trust as patomb noted. Otherwise paypal is safe. Encryption between the user and the server is done on the server side hence you shouldn't try to do so yourself otherwise you risk causing the connection to mess up or not function correctly if at all.
Now since I work in server services I can tell you that it is true every page can be encrypted by the server using a self signed certificate however when your browser encounters a self signed certificated it either blocks the website or throws red flags. To get around this the company will have to install certificates signed by a trusted vendor. Such vendors can easily charge $20000 for a cert that expires after a few years. Also coding an encrypted website is more complicated than a normal one. I hope that helps you understand why certificates are only used sparingly. Generally provided you use reputable sites you shouldn't have too many problems since such sites are very well protected and Rich has provided some good advice.