Both my firewall and windows defender is diabled with no way to turn it on..Ive tried most methods but still nothing..get firewall was unable to make the requested updates.
What anti-virus program do you have installed ?
RE : Windows Firewall
Some anti-virus programs do shut down Windows Firewall. Go to the support forum of your anti-virus program and fnd out if it is so.
RE : Windows Defender
If you have one of the following anti-virus (AV) programs installed,
your Windows Defender will get shut down. It is because those AVs have their own defender. Running 2 defenders in the same machine will crate conflicts, not to mention redundant.
The list of AVs that will shut down Windows Defender :
Microsoft Security Essentials.
If none of the above applies to you, have you tried this method to turn Windows Defender back on ?
Start > in the search box, type services> Enter > scroll to Windows Defender > click it > left column, click Start the service.
under Status column, it should say .............. Started
under Statup Type column, it should say....... Automatic
if not, right click at Windows defender > Properties ....
at Startup type, click the pointer and select Automatic
at Service status, click Start > click OK when done > exit Services window.