Have set my internet security zone to high. I am using internet explorer 8. But certain things on my trusted sites don't work eg twitter and facebook links. But when i reduce internet zone, to medium. The afore mentioned links then work.I though each security zone, worked independently of each other.
Hello sas, I normally set my setting to med. high . As you have seen, setting it at High will block some sites . The way you could leave on high is to make an exception for those sites that you trust. I hope i answered your issue, if not, please post back the issue you have in more detail. Thanks for using this forum for your question.
Hi Yard Dog I can't understand how setting internet security zone to high, will affect sites in my trusted zone sites. I thought that they were independent of each other
I have tried it in the past with latest adobe fp etc but had lots of problems. Internet explorer 8 seems to be a lot more stable, and i will leave ie9 until it has all the bugs ironed out. I appreciate your advise though. But i like to try and solve problems, and hopefully learn something along the way.
I agree with what you are saying, but if you set the broswer the way you said and it does not work, not much that we can do. Maybe you can experiment with something like Chrome, just for a test. See how it goes.
sas, Yes, using IE 9 is different for me, as i have been trying to duplicate your issue, but, i use IE 9 and it is way more secure, outdated browsers is a leading cause of computer infections. Also, may i add, get latest Java and Flash directly from Java.com and adobe.com . Please post back with results for IE 9 as richc46 has suggested .