Hi, I've ran a scan using Malwarebytes, its found 8 infected files as shown in the screen shot. Just wondering what to do next? Thanks
Just so you know.....
The MyWebSearch that Malewarebytes found is in reference to Smiley Central that you have installed.
I know that as a fact. I have the first hand experience on this.
Here are the 2 choices :
1. click Ignore button and keep Smileys. MyWebSearch will be under quarantine.
2. click Remove Selected and Smileys no more.
There is a " work-around ".....
Go over the smileys offered by Smileys central > and pick the ones you want to keep > send those to yourself in an e-mail > now you can go to Malwarebytes scanning and remove the MyWebSearch.
That way, you still have copies of your favourite smileys and no danger of the adware that Malwarebytes said that you have.