I see i am not the only person to be infected with this VIrUS ok heres how to delete it.
First the file is called HOTFIX.EXE . And downloads into your appdata/roaming file
and will stop EVERY thing form launching browsers,taskmanger, farther more NO antivirus or melware will even pick it up and it RUNS IN SAFE MODE.
now if you have windows xp try deleting it from the roaming file i may alway you to but if not heres how to DELETE this file and every thing will work again.
Click START /RUN type in MSCONFIG goto services click DISABLE ALL goto BOOT slect safe mode restart computer.
now goto your main documents (will be what ever you named it exmaple FRED)
goto appdata /roaming look for the file named HOTFIX.EXE now you can delete it.
once deleted you can restart pc in normal mode and your pc will be fixed.
If anyone knows a way to BLOCK this file from downaloading to begin with please messege me [removed by admin] thanks
First the file is called HOTFIX.EXE . And downloads into your appdata/roaming file
and will stop EVERY thing form launching browsers,taskmanger, farther more NO antivirus or melware will even pick it up and it RUNS IN SAFE MODE.
now if you have windows xp try deleting it from the roaming file i may alway you to but if not heres how to DELETE this file and every thing will work again.
Click START /RUN type in MSCONFIG goto services click DISABLE ALL goto BOOT slect safe mode restart computer.
now goto your main documents (will be what ever you named it exmaple FRED)
goto appdata /roaming look for the file named HOTFIX.EXE now you can delete it.
once deleted you can restart pc in normal mode and your pc will be fixed.
If anyone knows a way to BLOCK this file from downaloading to begin with please messege me [removed by admin] thanks
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