Used MicrosoftFixit and rebooted that seems to have fixed it.
There also seems to be a virus--malware involved. AVG catches it on start up in the windows temp file. I quarantined it. But the file returned on full shut down and restart.
After scans and research I found and removed these files:
C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\MRT2.TMP\STDRT.EXE (removed complete file)
Scanned again and restarted. Seems to be gone UAC still on. Also download Malwarebytes. Full scan finds nothing. On restart no AVG message and the above files are gone.
However, it still seems like shut down and start up take a really long time. I think something is trying to install or something....just guessing.
I control startup programs to be just the necessary programs, so startup is usually fast.
I also use TuneUp Utilities to clean registry.
System all up to date:
Vista Home
Quad core
AVG full paid with Firewall
Tuneup Full Paid
Malwarebytes free