Try it from Safe Mode, often you can then access files, even if you have locked yourself out of them. You could also try System Restore. Don't worry yet, it is EXTREMLY unlikely that we cannot unlock your files.
Here is how to take ownership of a file and then change its permissions from Command Prompt. I have used the C:\Users\ folder as an example. Do not change %username% to your actual User Name, leave it as it is.
takeown /f C:\Users\*
icacls C:\Users\* /grant:r %userprofile%:f
If this does not work, download the small program attched to this post (the .exe is the same as the .exe in the .zip file - someone else had a problem with it) This program will remove all permissions from the folder or drive specified, so make sure you add SYSTEM and yourself back at the very least. DO NOT MISUSE THIS PROGRAM! DO NOT USE IT ON ANY COMPUTERS OTHER THAN YOUR OWN!
- Download the small program and put it on your desktop.
- Start Command Prompt (Windows Key + R, type "cmd" without the quotes and press enter).
- Navigate to your desktop ("cd C:\Users\%userprofile%\Desktop" (without the quotes) and press enter)
- Type "Takeown.exe D:\" and press enter. Everything is without the quotes.
- Right click on your D:\ drive and give full access to SYSTEM and yourself and then CAREFULLY re-assign your permissions. If this does not work, you can try this program from Safe Mode. You can specify any file, folder or drive.
To specify a drive:
Takeown.exe D:\
If this does not work, try: Takeown.exe D:\*
To specify a folder with all contents included:
Takeown.exe D:\folder\*
To specify a file:
Takeown.exe D:\folder\file.exe
To specify all files with extension .bat:
Takeown.exe D:\folder\*.bat
To specify all files with name Test:
Takeown.exe D:\folder\Test.*
If this does not work,
- Make sure you exchange "{Account Name}" with your actual account name such as "Richard". Sounds obvious, but it has been done.
- Make sure you included the ".exe" after "takeown" i.e. "takeown.exe". In theory it should not matter, but it is best to do it.
- Make sure there is a space between "takeown.exe" and "C:\" i.e. "takeown.exe C:\
- Double click on the exe from the desktop to see if you can make out "Must specify a file name:" to check the .exe works
- Here is my sample command:
"cd C:\Users\Richard\Desktop"
"takeown.exe C:\"
If this does not work, try another tack:
- Create a shortcut to the .exe on your desktop.
- Open the shortcut's property page.
- Under the Shortcut tab,
- In the target box, Add a space and then C:\ after the last quote.
- i.e.: "C:\Users\Richard\Desktop\takeown.exe" C:\
- Then double click the shortcut.
READ ME!!: On the C:\ drive, give full control to SYSTEM, Autenticated Users, Administrators and Users.
Hope this helps, if not, post back.