I've been trying to understand the 'current' A/V situation, as viewed from Windows 64-bit. I'm pretty damned good with a soldering iron, but 'software'... can you spell Elementary School? I have absorbed as much as I can find, short of programming. It seems that Pre-64 bit A/V install hooked into the Processor Kernel and the rest is history...just don't come across a simple virus not yet in The Definitions. In the 64 bit era, Patch Guard, 'Kernel Patch Protection' *almost* completely prevents modifications to the kernel...so the traditional A/V install cannot be done. I use Avast. They claim '64 bit capable'. I am wondering if that is seriously possible? Even the Full Body Browser Condom, 'Sandboxie' is now '64 bit capable', but by Tzur's own admission the 64 bit install is 'limited'. LIMITED? Why bother? Is 64 bit installed A/V also 'limited'?