Ive been looking threw your website for the past hour or so and reading through all your threads on how to regain control of a computer when you do not have the password.
But i came to the horrible realization that none of those threads hit my extra in ordinary case... Now i have a computer in which i do not have the password it has 1 account "the master account" and here is the kicker is has no disc drive....
so although some of the threads do apply, majority said disc drives and use cd's and such.... im not very computer savy so maybe i could just put that restore disc on the USB and be fine but i was unsure exactly how. so if you could please link or explain to me how i would go about finishing this it would be greatly appreicated thx
Ive been looking threw your website for the past hour or so and reading through all your threads on how to regain control of a computer when you do not have the password.
But i came to the horrible realization that none of those threads hit my extra in ordinary case... Now i have a computer in which i do not have the password it has 1 account "the master account" and here is the kicker is has no disc drive....
so although some of the threads do apply, majority said disc drives and use cd's and such.... im not very computer savy so maybe i could just put that restore disc on the USB and be fine but i was unsure exactly how. so if you could please link or explain to me how i would go about finishing this it would be greatly appreicated thx