I have
Windows Home Premium 32bit and
a serious problem with "Windows Defender"
I once attempted to get rid of Windows Defender.
The result is that my system starts with
a warning saying that some programs were blocked.
If I try to see which programs I get the following error
"Impossibile inizializzare l'applicazione: 0x800106ba...".
I could not find a way to fix it.
I search the windows site but their solutions
are not applicable since "Windows Defender" does not
appear in the list of installed programs.
Therefore I cannot uninstall it.
I also tried
"msiexec /uninstall
windowsdefender.msi /quiet /log uninstall.log"
which does nothing usefull
(empty log and no solution to the problem).
I have tried to reinstall but then it complains it
is already installed.
Is there a way to fix this problem without having to
reinstall windows vista which in my case would mean
a full format (I have a restoration vista cd which came
with my laptop).
I do not own a vista cd other than the one that
came with my laptop.
Either totally removing Windows Defender or
having it working is ok for me.
Thanks in advance for any help
Windows Home Premium 32bit and
a serious problem with "Windows Defender"
I once attempted to get rid of Windows Defender.
The result is that my system starts with
a warning saying that some programs were blocked.
If I try to see which programs I get the following error
"Impossibile inizializzare l'applicazione: 0x800106ba...".
I could not find a way to fix it.
I search the windows site but their solutions
are not applicable since "Windows Defender" does not
appear in the list of installed programs.
Therefore I cannot uninstall it.
I also tried
"msiexec /uninstall
windowsdefender.msi /quiet /log uninstall.log"
which does nothing usefull
(empty log and no solution to the problem).
I have tried to reinstall but then it complains it
is already installed.
Is there a way to fix this problem without having to
reinstall windows vista which in my case would mean
a full format (I have a restoration vista cd which came
with my laptop).
I do not own a vista cd other than the one that
came with my laptop.
Either totally removing Windows Defender or
having it working is ok for me.
Thanks in advance for any help