2008 Dell Laptop
Vista Home Premium 32bit
Netgear wireless router
If more details are needed feel free to ask.
I had been downloading some music and experienced a system crash shortly after.
I was not able to save any details of the crash when it happened.
When attempting to reboot the computer windows load to the login prompt and crash shortly after entering the pass and clicking enter.
I rebooted the pc in safe mode and opened msconfig, I detected a temp file in the startup and disabled that. After doing so I rebooted the machine and everything started fine.
I ran ccleaner to remove all temp files and registry issues, as well as removing the temp file from startup. Some .net dlls were removed during the registry cleaning.
I was unable to run mbam.exe or install spybotsd 162.exe
I was unable to install spybot since i could not conenct to the internet.
I opened a browser and attempted to see if it was just an issue with the installer since i ripped it from my other machine. But I was unable to open a URL either.
Im not experienced in technical matters of vista but have fixed similar issues of this nature in WINXP.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
2008 Dell Laptop
Vista Home Premium 32bit
Netgear wireless router
If more details are needed feel free to ask.
I had been downloading some music and experienced a system crash shortly after.
I was not able to save any details of the crash when it happened.
When attempting to reboot the computer windows load to the login prompt and crash shortly after entering the pass and clicking enter.
I rebooted the pc in safe mode and opened msconfig, I detected a temp file in the startup and disabled that. After doing so I rebooted the machine and everything started fine.
I ran ccleaner to remove all temp files and registry issues, as well as removing the temp file from startup. Some .net dlls were removed during the registry cleaning.
I was unable to run mbam.exe or install spybotsd 162.exe
I was unable to install spybot since i could not conenct to the internet.
I opened a browser and attempted to see if it was just an issue with the installer since i ripped it from my other machine. But I was unable to open a URL either.
Im not experienced in technical matters of vista but have fixed similar issues of this nature in WINXP.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.