Re: in DEPTH help on how to set up security for linksys WRT54G2 wireless routers secu
Here is how I would do it:
Acess the router, by using ethernet cable. Restart. The router instructions should tell you the IP to enter in your search bar (if not search online for example, "linksys router IP")
Find the following and Configure:
1. Block anonymous internet requests
2.You can disable SSID Broadcast (I leave mine enabled though-as it makes it easier to reconnect to network in the event I repair/disconnect from network)
3. Do not use default router SSID- change it
4.generate key for WPA/PSK or WPA1 with a randomly manual generated 20+ digit string consisting of Numbers/symbols/letters/caps/lower case-Not an auto generated string Do not use WEP. (back it up, and
store it somewhere safe- like a encrypted/protected drive)
5.Enable MAC Filtering to allow only those IP's you add to the access list (i.e., networked computers, Ps3, Nintendo ds and wii)
note-to do this: disable mac filtering cannect all devices (turn them on) a MAC address will be generated- then "enable" mac filter to "allow" only these devices.
6. Disable remote Admin/Disable Remote upgrade/Disable UPnP
7. Set alpha/numeric random password to router that is no less than 8 digits.
8. I set my IP to be obtained automatically, and my key to auto-renew daily by default
If you router offers WPA2 encryption use this as it is more secure than either WEP or WPA PSK.
Futher info-
No one will see your SSID (network name) if you disable broadcast. There are many free programs that can hack WEP/WPA PSK (pre-shared keys). The trick to prevent someone gaining access to your network/piggingbacking is to:
1. Change the SSID from Linksys to say
Qrtf1 (for example)
2. Do not use WEP, do not use a PSK key that is easily cracked like "protection"/ "Johns Computer"/"Home Network"/ "creative"/"micheal", (common phrases/names/anything found in a dictionary), etc., as
WPA/PSK is as easily broken as
WEP-unless you use a long randomly generated Pre-shared key like this-
and a router password like this:
and it is very easy to enable MAC for only your networked devices- and block all others. If your router offers it use
Setting up your Wireless like this and
disabling remote Admin, makes changing the Router IP superfluous-even if you broadcast your SSID. A long random key, and alpha numeric password make it virtually impossible to crack, and provides optimal security.
Blocking anonymous requests to your router makes your computer invisable to any "pings" that are used on the Internet to locate Pc's/routers for the purpose of hacking, or attacking or in the event of unpatched vulnerabilites looking for systems to infect with malware. The router, even if located, will appear to be your PC on the Interent offering even more protection with the Hardware firewall as all attacks will be directed to it as opposed to your computer(s). This is something even hardwired PC's need for better security. Computers connected directly to the Modem are most suceptable to Pinging and hacking attacks.