Hi jgoudy5669 and welcome to the forums
Firstly, try restarting your PC. This can solve quite a number of issues. If this doesn't work, then try the following.
Click the start orb and type 'cmd' into the search box and press 'Ctrl', 'Shift' and enter/return simultaneously. After providing administrative credentials, you should now be at this prompt: 'C:\Windows\system32>'. You need to be at this prompt for the following to work.
1st Method
winmgmt /verifyrepository
If this reports the repository as inconsistent, run this command:
winmgmt /salvagerepository
2nd Method (this forces a repository re-build)
net stop winmgmt /y
cd %windir%\system32\wbem\
ren repository repository.old
net start winmgmt /y
After either method, restart your PC.
Hope that this helps. If not, try the Avast forums.