Auzentech. I've got an X-Plosion 7.1, love the sucker. Cost me $70 months and months ago. More features than Creative, FAR CHEAPER.
NO, I did not say it supports more stupid DSP modes, I said it has more FEATURES.
For example, it will upsample any audio signal to full surround-sound WITHOUT doing iritating delay/echo/processing to the audio. Thus, Winamp stereo audio becomes full DIGITAL COAXIAL and/or DIGITAL OPTICAL 5.1 or 7.1 sound. Plays 96khz, or DTS Interactive, or Dolby Digital Live. One of the ONLY cards ever made that supports DTS-I and DDL upsampling - for example: Left plays through left front and rear, unchanged. Right plays through right front and rear, unchanged. Center is a mix of left and right, as it should be. Subwoofer works as it should. Then, without changing a single setting, one can launch a 3D game, or DVD, or AVI with AC3 audio, and surround left/right will become true surround, separate from the front channel.
This card is beauty in action, I've never had a single problem, and the driver install is a work of ART.
I can honestly say I've never used a more stable, easy-to-operate sound card in my entire life. High quality hardware, high quality documentation, no bulky memory-hog software (does have tray app, but can be disabled, and does not use much of your precious resources) - comes with an optical cable and everything. I'd recommend this card, 10/10. I can't believe I EVER bought a Creative card. $350 for a SOUND CARD? You've GOT to be kidding.