The audio in all programs has an interruption about every 30 secs. The interruption sounds most like a "stutter"/audio vibration. Any suggestions?
The audio in all programs has an interruption about every 30 secs. The interruption sounds most like a "stutter"/audio vibration. Any suggestions?
Hi, thanks for getting back so quickly and for your very precise instructions. I chickened out when I got a warning reminding me I was about to uninstall the audio device listed. What audio will it run on once I uninstall?
Okay, did the procedure and rebooted. Still stuttering (?)
Hi Tom,
No apologies. I really appreciate all the time you've spent trying to figure out what's wrong with/how to fix my audio problem. Plus, because of you I'll be able to take the laptop in for repair and sound like I know a thing or two about computers.
So thanks again and best of luck with exams,