USB headphones = Logitech Clearchat Pro,EN
Drivers = standard vista usb audio drivers v 6.0.6002.18005
I have spoke to several other vista users with various USB headphones and it seems to be a consistent problem.
The problem is that vista is recognizing my headphones as:
4 - logitech USB Headset
This means that when opening the properties, vista only offers the standard 2 speaker enhancements rather then the headphone ones. Also, all applications auto set the audio configuration for 2-speakers rather then headphones. This means it doesnt offer HRTF, as stated from Audio Innovations in Windows Vista - Windows Vista Team Blog - The Windows Blog:
"This function can only be enabled by indicating that the user is listening with headphones, as shown in the following screen shot."
any/all suggestions welcome, and thanks for the input,EN
Drivers = standard vista usb audio drivers v 6.0.6002.18005
I have spoke to several other vista users with various USB headphones and it seems to be a consistent problem.
The problem is that vista is recognizing my headphones as:
4 - logitech USB Headset
This means that when opening the properties, vista only offers the standard 2 speaker enhancements rather then the headphone ones. Also, all applications auto set the audio configuration for 2-speakers rather then headphones. This means it doesnt offer HRTF, as stated from Audio Innovations in Windows Vista - Windows Vista Team Blog - The Windows Blog:
"This function can only be enabled by indicating that the user is listening with headphones, as shown in the following screen shot."
any/all suggestions welcome, and thanks for the input