Mappings are saved in the following location "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0000\Settings\DevType_0888_SS147b1083 or ending in DevType_0885_SS18490890
"Pin00" = Rear Green-Coded "FR FL" jack
"Pin01" = Rear black-coded "RR RL" jack
"Pin02" = Center/Subwoofer
"Pin04" = Mic-In
"01 00 00 00" = Mic-in
"02 00 00 00" = headphones
"04 00 00 00" = Front speakers
"05 00 00 00" = Rear speakers
"06 00 00 00" = Center/subwoofer
"07 00 00 00" = Side speakers
Example if i want "Pin01" = rear black-coded "RR RL" jack to be front speakers all i have to do is Pin01 - 04 00 00 00.
Atleast now i can change the ports by editing the Pin binary numbers! . If you can't change jack output assignment this will fix it :D oh and it sounds great :D., i turned my Center/Subwoofer to front speaker out put so my rears are stereo just like my fronts and not speaker filled rubbish
"Pin00" = Rear Green-Coded "FR FL" jack
"Pin01" = Rear black-coded "RR RL" jack
"Pin02" = Center/Subwoofer
"Pin04" = Mic-In
"01 00 00 00" = Mic-in
"02 00 00 00" = headphones
"04 00 00 00" = Front speakers
"05 00 00 00" = Rear speakers
"06 00 00 00" = Center/subwoofer
"07 00 00 00" = Side speakers
Example if i want "Pin01" = rear black-coded "RR RL" jack to be front speakers all i have to do is Pin01 - 04 00 00 00.
Atleast now i can change the ports by editing the Pin binary numbers! . If you can't change jack output assignment this will fix it :D oh and it sounds great :D., i turned my Center/Subwoofer to front speaker out put so my rears are stereo just like my fronts and not speaker filled rubbish
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