Well, now that I've installed the latest 2/16/2007 Windows x64 Components of VCP 4.2.7 (which should now be given its own version system since you no longer need to install VCP 4.2.7) I can now watch the few Xvids I have using Media Center. The only thing I have an issue with the green 'nigh vision' effect I get when I try to enable resizing. Otherwise, it's looking good so far. Get it here.
"It is 5.57 MB and improvements to this package are now completed. This release is stable and fully compatible with the 32bit codecs installed by the Vista Codec Package. It is fully uninstallable through the Windows interface. The x64Components are no longer dependant on the Vista Codec Package for support files. I have made it into a fully functional standalone installer which may be included in an unattended environment using the switch: -ai Last Updated February 16, 2007
Latest updates include subtitles in MediaCenter. To enable subtitle displays in x64players [MediaCenter] go into the VistaCodecs\64bit Tools folder and open the Gabest Direct Vobsub icon. Go to the General TAB and under Loading select Always load. I recommend you do not leave it set to this because in my testing, this setting also inhibits some DivX movies from functioning properly. Selecting Load when needed doesnt work in x64players.
You can expect ongoing x64 support as the rest of the world catches up to 64bit computing.
How can I play avi files in media center on a vista ultimate (64bit) computer? - it wont play them - I thought avi was one of the main video file types.
How can I play avi files in media center on a vista ultimate (64bit) computer? - it wont play them - I thought avi was one of the main video file types.
.avi is only the extension of the file, so the os knows it is a video file. But it dependes on what codec was used to originally code the film. So, to be able to play it the correct codec has to be installed.
The above codec pack should be capable of playing most, if not all of the more popular codecs.codec link
Am using this currently and it works quite well
Certainly not Bloatware .... its 5MB lol
Make sure u set Windows Media Player 64-bit as ur default player.(Guide in tips n tricks Section).
^if it only played the Audio it means Video codecs arent properly installed.
I still think u ran the 32-bit WMP.
make sure u run the one in "C:\Program Files\..." and not " C:\Program Files(x86)\....".
I ran the WMP sideshow gadget that's located in the 64-bit version's directory, after running that it plays XviD and everything else but it keeps playing even when I close WMP11, as in plays the audio in the background until I reopen WMP11 and press stop. :S