I would stay clear of them to be honest. I work with Windows Update issues quite a lot and you wouldn't believe the damage those sort of programs can do. It completely killed Windows Update all together in one thread I dealt with.
I would recommend CCleaner and Soluto:
Windows defrags automatically, so you don't need to deal with that
Me TooI would stay clear of them to be honest. I work with Windows Update issues quite a lot and you wouldn't believe the damage those sort of programs can do. It completely killed Windows Update all together in one thread I dealt with.
I would recommend CCleaner and Soluto:
Windows defrags automatically, so you don't need to deal with that
Tom Full agreement here, have used CC and have suggested Soluto to others. My only comment regards defrag. I have turned off the automatic defrag and use Auslogics, very fast, efficient and never a problem.
Me TooI would stay clear of them to be honest. I work with Windows Update issues quite a lot and you wouldn't believe the damage those sort of programs can do. It completely killed Windows Update all together in one thread I dealt with.
I would recommend CCleaner and Soluto:
Windows defrags automatically, so you don't need to deal with that
Tom Full agreement here, have used CC and have suggested Soluto to others. My only comment regards defrag. I have turned off the automatic defrag and use Auslogics, very fast, efficient and never a problem.
Tom Full agreement here, have used CC and have suggested Soluto to others. My only comment regards defrag. I have turned off the automatic defrag and use Auslogics, very fast, efficient and never a problem.
I have heard, and it may be erroneous information, that its best to use the same defragger and not change from time to time.
I was using Defraggler and switched to Auslogics as my restore points were unusable after Defraggler
Don't forget to turn off windows defragger in Task Scheduler if using a third party program
I was using Defraggler and switched to Auslogics as my restore points were unusable after Defraggler
Don't forget to turn off windows defragger in Task Scheduler if using a third party program
Even better than another defragger would be a dependable utility that was both easy on resources and adept at determining when the HD was relatively idle. Windows doesn't have one built in. That's why you get unpleasant surprises like defrag.exe firing on schedule even though you're in the middle of a MyDefrag run.
The open source stuff I've seen to detect disk activity amounted to using WMI to get the disk activity over the last 2 seconds. Nowhere near good enough. It should be as easy to call as the CPU usage.
Those defraggers that run in background must use a device driver to get rapid disk activity updates.
I'll try it after the help is translated from Russian. I don't think I can keep up with those guys when it comes to system innards.Don't fancy the project then?