HELP !!! Unable to install Windows Live Essentials 2011

Unable to install Windows Live Essentials 2011. I keep getting error message (0x80040609). I turned off Norton, I turned off my firerwall and tried again with no luck. I have tried everything I know how. I checked suggestions on windows get help page, still not able to install. :sa:

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

My Computer

Unable to install Windows Live Essentials 2011. I keep getting error message (0x80040609). I turned off Norton, I turned off my firerwall and tried again with no luck. I have tried everything I know how. I checked suggestions on windows get help page, still not able to install. :sa:

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

With little that I know, this information may be totally irrelevent.
Just an information that you may or may not know ....You need to have SP2 installed plus .....

Excerpt :
All of the Windows Live Essentials programs will run only on Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit editions), Windows Vista (32-bit or 64-bit editions) with Service Pack 2 (SP2) and the Platform Update for Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 R2, or Windows Server 2008 with SP2 and the Platform Update for Windows Server 2008.
Reference link :
Windows Live Essentials 2011 release notes

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System One

  • Other Info
    WLM 2011 IE9 beta
I have Windows Vista Ultimate Service Pack 2 32 bit edition. Is this enough to get the update?

Here is the link regarding Windows Platform Update :
Windows Live Essentials 2011 release notes

Excerpt :
If you're installing Windows Live Essentials on Windows Vista, you might see a message asking you to install the Platform Update for Windows Vista. This update includes two components that are required before Windows Live programs can be installed on a computer running Windows Vista, and you won't be able to install unless this update is present. The required components are the "Windows Graphics, Imaging, and XPS Library" and the "Windows Ribbon and Animation Manager Library."
To install these updates, run Microsoft Update from Control Panel and install any available updates. Then, try installing Windows Live Essentials again.
Note : When I installed the Windows Live Essentials 2011 ( about 1 week ago ), I did not have to go through those steps mentioned above. Possibly because I had Windows Live Essentials 2009 already installed. Perhaps my updates were up-to-date at the time. I don't know.
So, I can only offer you the links relating to installation of Windows Live Essentials.

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System One

  • Other Info
    WLM 2011 IE9 beta
1.Find folder c:\ Program Files\Common Files\ Windows Live\. cache and delete it

NOTE:This directory is hidden,make sure you have in folder options checked "Show hidden files and folders" or better use any good 3p party file manager e.g Total Commander
2.Try again install Windows Live Essential

My Computer

I was successful in deleting te Windows Live Folder in Common Files thought I was going to get it this time. It failed again. I got the error message Code 0x80040609
I think I am at my wit's end.
Is there anything else I could try?


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Read this discussions

WL Beta Error 0x80040609

Please read all 3 pages,not only first page!

User @Logos5 belive the reason was Windows Live Mesh,
User @Windows Live Rochelle R. posted how to uninstall WLE pernamently

IMO both post are the most valuable here.

My Computer

I uninstalled Norton with the Norton Removal Tool that I got from The Norton Website. Restarted my computer and I tried once again to install Windows Live Essentials 2011 and got the same error code:80040006

Think I am cursed.:(

Thanks for all your advise,

My Computer

I uninstalled Norton. I ran Comodo and Spyware Cease and got rid of a few things, restarted my computer and tried again with a very successful install this time. Thought this might help others as frustrated as I was not to give up and keep trying.

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I have Windows 7, but this may help. After nearly a month of problems with both offline installers and the web installers, I tried downloading through Windows Update. After several problems, I used an offline standalone installer to install again to determine why updates/ additions to WLE 2011 were failing. My error message was 0x80190194. Finally, I figured it out.

If you have older versions of WLE (i.e. 2009) installed via a legit Microsoft site or Windows Update, WLE 2011 acts like an in-place-upgrade when installed from Windows Update, but only if all the core runtime files and associated communication files, and sync services are installed as part of WLE 2009 first. Otherwise you will likely get an error no matter where you install from. Some offline installers do not install the initial sync framework component and both and Windows Update look for those files before proceeding.

So, if you have neither installed, but meet all the Vista requirements, go to Windows Update and check for updates. You should be offered both versions of Essentials. Install 2009 first to establish the core components. Select the programs you want and install them, then install 2011. Your previously installed 2009 programs will be updated with the new installation.

If you want a full test of the 2011 installation, install all the options at once, then if you don't want them all , go to Control Panel - Windows Live Essentials-(Uninstall/Change tab)-and follow the instructions for "Remove one or more Windows Live programs". If you install everything, the Outlook Social Connector and any associated packs must be removed separately via Control Panel. Hope this helps

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