Hello, I apologize if this issue has been addressed a million times, but I have tried various ways to fix this problem by reading other posts but to no avail I succeeded. When I was using Windows Live Messenger about half an hour ago, it worked fine. I wasn't downloading and installing anything either. I logged into my inbox, and deleted an email I received from someone. When I logged out of my inbox and signed out of Windows Live Messenger, I immediately tried to sign back in because I forgot to do some changes in my Windows Live Messenger setting; hence, my Windows Live Messenger would begin to show "Windows Live Messenger has stopped working" for no reason. It was working half an hour ago, and then it stopped working seconds later. I tried to "run as administrator"; looked into my download history; uninstalled some really recent things I have downloaded yesterday which was Grease Monkey for my Firefox; repaired Windows Live; and uninstalled and installed. It's frustrating to me not knowing why it worked fine, and then it stopped working as soon as I decided to sign back in. This is mainly the problem here, and I do not know of any other solutions to fix this. Any help is appreciated, and thank you for taking the time to read!