I have a laptop with Vista 64 and use Microsoft Office 2007. Within the last few months I noticed that attachments to email no matter what client I use cannot be opened. (Word and Excel) If I save a file and go to word or excel I can open the file normally. This only occurs when I double click on a file that is an attachment. I have attached a jpg file that shows the verbiage of the actual error. This one was through Lotus notes but it doesnt matter if I am using outlook or gmail it always generates something similiar. Hopefully someone has some ideas so I can rectify this situation. I have tried numerous solutions and have not had any luck in resolving this problem.
Email was sent to me. It doesn't matter who sends it or which email account I use. Lotus Notes or Gmail or Outlook all provide the same results. It seems to only happen with either word files or excel files. If the files are on my desktop or in a folder I have no problem opening them or modifying them. I just cannot open these types of files from the emails that I receive. I get the message that was posted in my initial post.
These files are saved to a temp file in your internet settings or outlook files. You need to save the file first before opening it. You have probably guessed this already by looking at the directory path in the error message.
Thanks for the reply Roy. Something has changed in the last 60 days because I was always able to click on the file in my email and open it, review it and then save it if I so wished. Currently I am saving the files first but would like to find out what is causing me to do this extra step.
The setup is the same as my desktop computer and that one allows me to drag files out of lotus notes or anyother mail server to my desktop with no problem. Thus, eliminating the step of trying to save the file. I have not downloaded any new files in the last few months. Just microsoft updates which are just as current on my desktop computer. I am sure there is an easy answer to why I cannot drag files to my desktop but for the last several months I have not found the right combination to fix this?