I Installed Nero 7.0 and SnagIt 8.0 on my Vista Home Premium Dell Computer. I could not record in Wave Editor of Nero and could not get sound to record in the "Record Screen Video" profile setting of SnagIt. To resolve do the following: Click on Vista Start Icon in bottom left corner of your
monitor. Choose Control Panel - Then make sure classic view
is selected - Then double click on the Sound icon (the
sound window will open) - Click on the Recording Tab and
right click in a "blank space" area and be sure both show
disconnect Devices and Show disabled divices are checked.
If not, move mouse cursor over them to select. Then when you see
your sound card appear, i.e. Stero Mix select it by
clicking on it and choose Properities -Use this device
(enable) in Device usage: bar. After doing this I got a
Green check mark under my sound card Icon, i.e. Stero Mix.
My sound card is a Realtek High Definition Audio. Note: Be sure your sound card is selected in Wave Editor Of Nero. Open wave editor-Choose Options-Device Settings-MME: Stero Setting should show your particular sound Card in Perenthies. Thanks,
monitor. Choose Control Panel - Then make sure classic view
is selected - Then double click on the Sound icon (the
sound window will open) - Click on the Recording Tab and
right click in a "blank space" area and be sure both show
disconnect Devices and Show disabled divices are checked.
If not, move mouse cursor over them to select. Then when you see
your sound card appear, i.e. Stero Mix select it by
clicking on it and choose Properities -Use this device
(enable) in Device usage: bar. After doing this I got a
Green check mark under my sound card Icon, i.e. Stero Mix.
My sound card is a Realtek High Definition Audio. Note: Be sure your sound card is selected in Wave Editor Of Nero. Open wave editor-Choose Options-Device Settings-MME: Stero Setting should show your particular sound Card in Perenthies. Thanks,