WEBCAM wont work in windows live messenger


New Member
I have a dell laptop and installed an islim 1300 webcam. In messenger live before i installed the camera i can have video conversation with my friends but with me only seeing them. Now i installed this camera i can still see them but when my camera wont show up and then freezes and crashes the computer ..... can someone help me with ideas how to get this working please

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    dell laptop
I see you posted this question in 2 different forums. I had the same problem that lasted for months. Then I went into setup on messenger and changed my video cam from what it really was to "generic" and it has worked perfectly since. Makes no sense but it worked and continues to work. Try it, you have nothing to lose.

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    HP Pavilion Desktop
    Intel E2220 Dual 2.40 ghz 2400 mhz 2 core
    4gb Ram, 3.87gb physical memory, 7.95gb virtual meory
    Graphics card(s)
    Internet Speed
    DSL 1.5
The settings are in the tools section (audio-video setup)

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    HP Pavilion Desktop
    Intel E2220 Dual 2.40 ghz 2400 mhz 2 core
    4gb Ram, 3.87gb physical memory, 7.95gb virtual meory
    Graphics card(s)
    Internet Speed
    DSL 1.5