Paragon - long time to restore

Nicolai Allerup

New Member
Paragon Drive Backup 8.51 Personal Edition

I have a old backup made in XP on a stationary computer. Now im restoring it on my laptop with Vista on the D: drive. It started after the reeboot and have now been running for more than 20 hours - and still running. The backupfile was about 50GB. How long time will it take to restore????

I have seen severel pictures, movies, documents and temp. internetfiles running, but that was hours ago. My labtop have 3GB RAM, 2,000 HZ and there was about 73GB avalible on the D: drive.

There is no progress at all in the timelines for either Suboperation, Run schript or Overall progress.

My Computer

That is a fairly old program .

Depending on the speed of your pc - 50gb would could take up to 90 mins. to restore with the modern Paragon apps.

Is the partition you are restoring to smaller than the original ?

You might try stopping the restore.

Run checkdisk on the drive.

See if all the data has been restored - it may be - perhaps Paragon is hanging on a bad sector.

Otherwise , try the Paragon Backup & Recovery 10 Free Edition

It is compatible with prior arc folders.

Try verifying the arc - and / or restoring it with B&R 10.

B&R10 also lets you restore individual files and folders from the same restore wizard - if you already have most of them restored - try getting the last few with that.

If you need to start the entire restore process again - try using the B&R10 boot disc.

My Computers

System One System Two

  • Operating System
    Intel E8400
    ASRock1333-GLAN R2.0
    4gb DDR2 800
    Graphics card(s)
    nvidia 9500GT 1gb
  • Operating System
    intel i5-8400
    gigabyte b365m ds3h
    ballistix 2x8gb 3200
Thanks SIW2
No there should be space, and Paragon did not objected when i chose D:.
Anyway its finish now after about 22 hours - wow. But now when i want to enter the D: drive it writes that i need to format it before i can open it ?????????

I willtry with the B&R 10 and see if it helps. No need to get back to me yet.

My Computer

That might be a problem with the backup having been created in XP.

Sometimes Vista/7 refuse to recognize entire HD's that were previously on an XP machine.

Was the source partition FAT32 or NTFS?

It is very likely the partition is properly formatted - but the entry in the partition table doesn't reflect that.

If you are brave, you might delete the restored partition and use Paragon undelete to resurrect it. It will hopefully correct the partition table then .

My Computers

System One System Two

  • Operating System
    Intel E8400
    ASRock1333-GLAN R2.0
    4gb DDR2 800
    Graphics card(s)
    nvidia 9500GT 1gb
  • Operating System
    intel i5-8400
    gigabyte b365m ds3h
    ballistix 2x8gb 3200
That might be a problem with the backup having been created in XP.

Sometimes Vista/7 refuse to recognize entire HD's that were previously on an XP machine.

Was the source partition FAT32 or NTFS?

It is very likely the partition is properly formatted - but the entry in the partition table doesn't reflect that.

If you are brave, you might delete the restored partition and use Paragon undelete to resurrect it. It will hopefully correct the partition table then .

Well i still have the old backup on an external drive so i will try that - otherwise i will try with B&R 10 on the XP machine and take it folder by folder. I don't have enough space on that drive. I'll get back to you - Thanks for now

My Computer

It is also worth getting Paragon Partition Manager 10 Personal edition - they are giving it away free - only today:

Giveaway of the Day - free licensed software daily. Partition Manager 10.0 Personal (English) - Paragon is happy to offer something that you’ve been asking for – Partition Manager 10.0 Personal with support for the latest Operating Systems.

NOTE: In the personal edition Linux/DOS recovery CD, you can get to the Full Scale window by booting the cd - select Normal Mode- then press Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Backspace together.
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My Computers

System One System Two

  • Operating System
    Intel E8400
    ASRock1333-GLAN R2.0
    4gb DDR2 800
    Graphics card(s)
    nvidia 9500GT 1gb
  • Operating System
    intel i5-8400
    gigabyte b365m ds3h
    ballistix 2x8gb 3200