I have been having this problem for a couple weeks now. When I walk away from my computer I return to a microsoft screen saver or a blank screen, and cannot get back to the screens I was using (explorer page, office word page, or even startup screen. I have to log off or restart. The following problem report is associated with this issue. Has anyone experienced the same issue and possibly have a solution? Thank you.
A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.
Problem signature
Problem Event Name: AppHangB1
Application Name: logon.scr
Application Version: 6.0.6001.18000
Application Timestamp: 47918eab
Hang Signature: e0b3
Hang Type: 0
OS Version: 6.0.6002.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Hang Signature 1: 165c92719a4b8e00f36b36500e4fbba1
Additional Hang Signature 2: d49c
Additional Hang Signature 3: 70108a26c8386d8b46eaadb7a88bc8cf
Additional Hang Signature 4: e0b3
Additional Hang Signature 5: 165c92719a4b8e00f36b36500e4fbba1
Additional Hang Signature 6: d49c
Additional Hang Signature 7: 70108a26c8386d8b46eaadb7a88bc8cf
Extra information about the problem
Bucket ID: 167266558