Loose Juice
New Member
For a few years I've been doing some web design at school in a class and I've been using Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 to do it. Well, I figured I wanted to continue practicing at home so I downloaded Adobe Dreamweaver CS4. It is so damned confusing it's not even funny. They added so much stuff to it that I decided to ask my web design teacher if he had a copy of Dreamweaver 8 I could use to install. He said yes but then I realized I had the infamously incompatible x64 Vista Home Premium. I checked Microsoft's website and they had no info as to whether or not it was compatible so I figured I'd ask some people who knew a thing or two about computers. So can I safely run Macromedia Dreamweaver 8, which came out well before 64 bit was even introduced on the consumer market, on my Vista 64 bit machine?
I'd like to add that Microsoft said that version of Dreamweaver needed an update to run on 32 bit Vista machines but they said that there was no data to show whether or not it could run on 64 bit.
Sorry if this is already posted here but I didn't see it so I posted.
I'd like to add that Microsoft said that version of Dreamweaver needed an update to run on 32 bit Vista machines but they said that there was no data to show whether or not it could run on 64 bit.
Sorry if this is already posted here but I didn't see it so I posted.