With earlier versions of word if you set a document window to a particular size other than the maximum and then shrank that window, when you reopened it, it would be the same size.
If you opened another word doc and shrank it to a different size, word would remember that too.
in Vista all documents open to same size (word and excel too), whether I want them to or not. Also annoying-- if I have several minimized docs., opening any one of them causes them all to open.
I'm sure this is Vista trying to be "helpful" and "useful" but it isn't.
Thoughts on how to solve this?
I don't want to compare doc, *that* I can do.
If you opened another word doc and shrank it to a different size, word would remember that too.
in Vista all documents open to same size (word and excel too), whether I want them to or not. Also annoying-- if I have several minimized docs., opening any one of them causes them all to open.
I'm sure this is Vista trying to be "helpful" and "useful" but it isn't.
Thoughts on how to solve this?
I don't want to compare doc, *that* I can do.