I have an issue with 2k7 Outlook BCM. When i have this setup i have noticed that when i am drafting emails it is buffering the characters for an "n" amount of seconds. This is quite frustrating and to the point of annoying and deeming BCM not fit for purpose as a business tool.
When BCM is disabled as an "add in" things work okay , email drafting is back to normal and as should be expected.
Anyone have any ideas on this ?, i have upgraded to SP2 etc.
Oh incase any Msoft admin guys are reading, the security character authentication to join the forum "dunces" , mmm not exactly the way to win over the consumer, especially when i am the tech director of a telecomms company..
When BCM is disabled as an "add in" things work okay , email drafting is back to normal and as should be expected.
Anyone have any ideas on this ?, i have upgraded to SP2 etc.
Oh incase any Msoft admin guys are reading, the security character authentication to join the forum "dunces" , mmm not exactly the way to win over the consumer, especially when i am the tech director of a telecomms company..